This document explains how to reset the CLI user account on an AP-3000.
An imaging tool like Etcher
A 2 GB or larger USB flash drive that can be overwritten
Physical access to the AP-3000
Keyboard and Monitor with HDMI or Display Port
How to reset the password
Download the password reset utility, below
Plug the USB drive into the computer
Open Etcher
Select the Flash from file option
Select the password reset utility from the menu
Click Select Target
Select the USB drive that you want to use
Click the Flash! button
When flashing is complete, eject the USB drive
Plug the USB Drive into the AP-3000, along with a keyboard and monitor.
Reboot the AP-3000
As the AP-3000 boots, press DEL on the keyboard until the Setup Menu appears
Use the arrow keys to select highlight the Boot tab
Arrow down to Boot Option 2. Press the Enter key
In the menu that appears, find the USB drive with the password utility. Select this drive, and press Enter
Use the arrow keys to select the Save & Exit tab
Arrow down to select Save and Reset. Press Enter
The AP-3000 will now reboot. While booting, press F11 to enter the boot menu
When the boot menu appears, use the arrow keys to select the USB drive. Press Enter
The reset utility will start. Select Reset telos user password, and press Enter
A confirmation message stating that Password Reset Power off and remove this password reset USB will appears. Press Enter to continue
You will be returned to the menu page. Select Poweroff, and press Enter
Remove the USB drive
Press the power button on the front of the AP-3000 to boot it back up
As the AP-3000 boots, press DEL on the keyboard until the Setup Menu appears
Use the arrow keys to select highlight the Boot tab
Arrow down to Boot Option 2
Press the Enter key
In the menu that appears, select disable
Use the arrow keys to select the Save & Exit tab
Arrow down to select Save and Reset. Press Enter
The password has now been reset to defaults. One next boot, you will be prompted to log in. the user name is telos. The default password is telos. After entering the password, you will be prompted to create a new password.