Configuration Backup from Nx6 or Nx12


How to download and load a configuration backup from and into your Nx12 or Nx6 system. This process is also applicable to the Hx6 and iQ6 systems.

Backing up Configuration

  1. Log in to the Nx's web UI with your browser using the IP address configured at the Nx's front panel.

  2. Navigate to the Backup page.

  3. Click Save As... under Save Configuration.

  4. Your browser will download an *.xml file from your Nx. Save this file to a safe location.

Loading a Configuration

  1. Log in to the Nx12's web UI with your browser using the IP address configured at the Nx's front panel.

  2. Navigate to the Backup page.

  3. Click the Browse... button under Load Configuration.

  4. Locate the configuration *.xml file on your PC and click Open.

  5. Click the Upload button.

Let us know how we can help

If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document, please contact us.