Configuring Cisco CBS350 Series of Switches for Livewire+®


This document is not an all-inclusive or step-by-step manual on configuring this switch fully. It is provided as a guide and makes some underlying assumptions regarding the person's skill level doing the programming. If you are uncomfortable hooking up cables, assigning IP addresses, typing in a command-line interface, configuring networks, etc., you should contact your IT department for assistance.

Click here for a complete listing of models in this series (this will take you to the Cisco website).

Follow the provided Cisco quick start information to gain access to your switch via a web browser. We will not cover basic configuration in this document and assume that you have already set up the switch and gained access via your web browser.

Here are a couple of general comments about this series of switches:

Unlike its big brother in the Catalyst line of Cisco switches, some portions of this configuration caused audio to be briefly interrupted. It is best to carefully plan for making any changes to this switch while it's in use. We observed interruptions of thirty seconds to a minute; however, the switch ALWAYS recovered.

We tested this switch for use with Axia Power Station, QOR console, iQx Console, and xSwitch with other Axia gear. All tests performed well except for the noted outages.

Given the relative cost savings between the Catalyst and the CBS (Cisco Business Series) line, each user must balance their own risk vs. reward.

Testing has shown the CBS350 is appropriate in a single switch system or smaller systems of, say three or four studios. In larger, multi-switch systems, a Cisco Catalyst is a better choice.


This switch we tested, and the configuration is based on the following;

  • Cisco model: CBS350-8P-E-2G

  • Firmware Version:


Using Configuration Wizards

Using the “Getting Started Wizard,” you will set the following information;

  • System Location, Contact, and Host Name (if desired)

  • IP Address settings

  • User Account

  • Time Settings (if desired)

For multicast to work correctly, there must be an IGMP Querier (an "Operator" of sorts) for multicast network traffic. By default, this will be the lowest IP address of all IGMP-capable switches in your network. Considering that other Axia devices (Power Station, QOR, xSwitch) have capable network switches built-in, it’s essential to carefully consider the IP address used. Since we want this Cisco switch to become the IGMP Querier, its IP address needs to be LOWER than any Power Station, QOR, xSwitch, or possibly other Cisco switches.

As an example, a network with;

  • Power Station at

  • QOR Console at

  • Axia xSwitch at

We would want this switch to be lower than the xSwitch with the .4 address programmed on it. For this example, we will program our switch to have an address of

To get started:

  1. Click on the Configuration Wizards link in the left-side menu.

  2. Choose Launch Wizard under the Getting Started Wizard heading.

You will be presented with a new window to begin the configuration. Click Next to begin. You will be presented with the following screen.  Fill out any desired information and click Next.

On the next page:

  1. Click the selector next to VLAN and pick ‘1’ from the dropdown list if not already selected.

  2. Select Static from the IP Interface Source.

  3. You must specify at least an IP address and Network mask. Default Gateway and DNS are optional and will vary depending on your situation.

  4. When finished, click Next.

The next TWO screens, User Account, and Time Settings, are optional. You can use these to change the login information and time settings if NTP is used. NTP may require that you configure a gateway and DNS in the previous step

Finally, you will get to the Summary page, and click Apply.

At this point, clicking Apply will change your IP address, and you will need to reconfigure your network settings on your computer and connect to the new IP address via your Browser.

Some users have mentioned that after clicking the Apply button that the Browser hangs and never appears to finish. If this happens, change your IP address on your network card and try to log back into your switch on the new IP address. Even though you have previously set the User and Password, you may need to revert to using the login "cisco," and the password will be whatever you changed the password to when you logged into it for the first time. Once you log in, you will need to go back and change anything that did not get previously saved.

Once you are logged back into your configuration web page, this is an excellent time to save your configuration by clicking the save button, which you should see flashing at the top.

Configure IGMP

To configure IGMP, select Multicast from the left side menu. Expand IPv4 Multicast Configuration and choose IGMP Snooping. Adjust the settings as shown here and click Apply.

Next, select the bubble next to VLAN ID 1 (at this point, there should only be one) and then click Edit.

On the next window, make sure VLAN ID 1 is selected. Adjust the settings as indicated in this next image, click Apply then click Close to dismiss the configuration window.

We need to change the Display mode to Advanced for the next step. This is done in the top right corner of the browser window. From the dropdown list, pick Advanced. This mode will give you additional options in the left menu. Under the Multicast menu heading, select Properties. Set the options on that page, as shown here. Make sure that VLAN ID 1 is selected. Click Apply when finished.

Using the Display Mode, set your menu back to Basic.

Configuring QoS

From the left side menu, select Quality of Service, expand QOS Basic Mode, and select Global Settings. Select DSCP as the Trust Mode. Click Apply when finished.

Next, expand General and select DSCP to Queue. Set the options fo for each DSCP class, as shown here. Note that Axia Live Stereo and AES67 streams use DSCP 48, which we assign to the highest priority queue (8). Axia Standard Stereo streams use DSCP 46, which we assign to queue 7. For this configuration, other DSCP classes are assigned to lower-priority queues.

Configuring Access Ports

Access ports are used for connecting “endpoint” devices like Axia nodes, engines, computers, as well as any other devices that are not considered “switches” (see note in trunk port configuration section).

All ports on this switch are, by default, configured as Access ports.  So no changes should be required. Verify this by navigating to the VLAN Management link on the left side menu and selecting Interface Settings.   Observe the current settings in the table that is displayed.

Configuring Trunk Ports

Trunk ports are used for connecting other switches or Axia devices with built-in switches (like a PowerStation Main or QOR or xSwitch) as well as any other Cisco switches. Please note that when connecting to a PowerStation Main, only the GIG ports can be used, and they must be appropriately configured for Trunk operation in the Ethernet Switch configuration of the Element Control Center. QOR-based devices and xSwitch should only be connected to the GIG Ports and do not require any configuration.  

In this example, we are going to be configuring ports 9 and 10 for use as Trunk ports.  

From the VLAN Management menu, make sure that Interface Settings is selected. Click the selection bubble next to the first port you want to configure as Trunk. In this example, port 9. Click the Edit button.

In the window that opens, select Trunk, as shown, and click Apply when done.

You can continue like this and set each port to Trunk individually. However, you can apply this setting to the remaining ports automatically. Make sure that your newly configured Trunk port (port 9) is selected, and then click Copy Settings. In the open window, type the port(s) that you want this configuration copied to. In our example, we have typed 8-10, which will copy port 9 to ports 8 through 10. This is particularly valuable on larger switches. Once you have your port range defined, click Apply.

You will see that your settings have been copied to the additional ports.

Configure Power Management Settings

Select Port Management from the Left menu tree, Expand Green Ethernet, and select Properties. Set your Green Ethernet settings as shown here.

Saving and Backing Up your Configuration

To save your configuration, navigate to Administration on the left menu. Expand File Management and select File Operations. Chsose the settings shown here and click Apply.

To back up your settings, choose File Operations again, change your settings as shown here, and click apply. This will copy your configuration to a text file (called running_config.txt) on your computer.

Let us know how we can help

If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document please contact us.