The following information covers the steps needed to use GPIO to route audio. While this uses the example of an automation system closing a GPIO to make a route to a node, these steps are not specific. The origin of the GPIO and the output destination is not important. The steps are the same regardless.
A comprehensive routing control system has many ways to accomplish the same tasks and that is the case here. However, this is really the simplest Logic Flow you can have. Logic Flows allow you to use dissimilar properties to effect changes on each other. In this example, we'll configure a GPIO Input on an Axia IP Audio to route a program channel to the output of a node.
Creating the Logic Flow
First, consider the organization of your Logic Flows. You could put all Logic Flows in one folder but would likely become unmanageable. So the first thing we'll do is create some folders to organize your Logic Flows. If you already have your folders organized the way you want them, scroll down.
Create a new Folder for your Logic Flows
Log in to your Pathfinder Core Pro and click on Logic Flows from the left side menu
In the LogicFlows organization tree on the right side, click the check box next to LogicFlows
Click the green + icon
right above it.
A dialog will open asking you for a name for this new group. For this example, we'll use "Routes from GPIO"
Uncheck the box next to LogicFlows
Check the box next to your new Routes from GPIO folder to select it.
This selected folder is where new Logic Flows are created
Creating a new Logic Flow
Click the large green + button above the main Logic Flow windows to create a new blank flow.

A new blank Logic Flow is created. Logic flows are created with an Input block on the left, an output block on the right, and a translator block in the middle. In this example, the input block is our GPIO pin, the output block is the output of our node, and the translator block will "translate" the PIN to a Livewire channel.

Input Block
Double-click the input block on the Left.
When the Property Selector opens, expand the GPIO folder, locate the GPIO associated with your automation system.
Pick the PinState property.
Click Select
The Input block will reflect the selection.

Output Block
Double-click the output block.
We'll come back to the Translator block in a minute
When the Property Selector opens, expand Routers, then Axia Audio. Locate the Device and Destination that you want to route audio to. In this example, we're using the node at and using DST (Destination) 5.
Pick the CurrentChannelNumber property
Click Select
The output block will reflect the selection.

Translator Block
Double-click the Translator block
Select the *=* shown in the upper left of the Translator Properties box
Select Low for the input of the selector
In the output box, type in the Livewire channel number you want to route to the output of the node. In this case, we're using Livewire channel 11401.
Click Done.
Click the green flashing Apply button at the top of the Logic Flows page to save your work.

After you click Apply the Logic Flow will change color indicating it's been saved. The completed Logic Flow looks like this.

Let us know how we can help
If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document, please contact us.