Controlling an xNode mixer using a Logic Flow

First, I recommend that you look at this document, for more information on how to set up a logic flow: How to create a Logic Flow - TelosHelp ( flow will be very similar to that example. The input would be a GPIO closure. The difference is that the output will be controlling the mixer on the xNode.When you look for the property, you will look for a header labeled XNodeMixer. It should break out like this:


You can see that under XNodeMixer, I have my xNode (the one on, and under that are a list of the outputs. The ones labeled AES_1_L through AES_4_R are the physical outputs, and the ones labeled SRC_X_L are the Livewire sources. These correspond to the bottom of the mixer page in the xNode:


When you select one of those branches in Pathfinder, you should see something like this:


You can see that I have selected AES_2_L. Once I did, now you can see all of the available inputs from the mixer. It starts with the physical inputs, and then moves to the Livewire destinations. This cooresponds with the Y axis of the mixer in the xNode.Once you select one of the inputs, you will see the properties that you can control. Let's say I want to drop the gain of the point at physical output AES_2_L and physical input AES_3_L. It would look like this:


Once selected, you can change the value in the Translator.For example, if I want my closure to change set the gain to -10db when the GPIO goes low, and then set it to -3 when the GPIO is high, here's how I would set it up:
