These are several steps needed to enable the AUX busses on a Fusion or Element console. They are detailed here.
Depending on your version, the screens may vary slightly.
Enable the Sources
From the main web page of your console, click on Prog & Mon Out under the Mix Engine heading.
Assign a Livewire channel to the AUX busses and enable any channel needed.
In this example, AUX SEND C and D are not used, and so they are disabled.
Click the APPLY button below the outputs.
Enable the AUX Bus in your Show Profile
The AUX busses are globally enabled and disabled in the Auxiliary Send & Return section of EACH show profile.
Each show profile has unique settings for Auxiliary Sends and Returns. Enabling it in one profile does not enable it in all profiles.
From the main web page of your console, click on Shows and then select the Profile you want to change from the list.
Click the Auxiliary send & return link
Set the Master Gain and ON/OFF Status for each bus
In this example, A is turned ON and sets the Gain to Zero (same at the default fader levels). Note that B has a gain of OFF and the ON status is OFF so it AUX SEND B could not be used in this case, even though it's enabled in the Program streams from the first step.
Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
Set the individual channel AUX state
Once the program channels are assigned and the AUX is enabled from the previous steps, you can change the individual channel settings in the show profile or change the AUX SEND from the console's menu buttons.
From the main web page of your console, click on Shows and then select the Profile you want to change from the list.
Pick the fader channel on which you want to enable the AUX SEND.
Set the following parameters for each bus
Assign to AUX SEND A to ON of OFF
AUX SEND A pre/post fader
AUX SEND A pre/post on
Click Save Changes at the bottom (or top) of the page.
Reload your Show Profile
Changes to the Show profile require the profile on the console to be reloaded for the changes to be in effect.
Let us know how we can help
If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document, please contact us.