This update is a firmware package for your iQ-Series consoles. This includes;
iQ Main and Expansion consoles used with a QOR Console Engine
iQx Main and Expansion consoles
RAQ and DESQ consoles used with QOR Console Engine.
This firmware is only for the console surface and is not the same as the software version used when navigating the main web page.
Changes in this release
OLED Brightness redefinition for value 0. Setting 0 in brightness settings will trigger an OFF condition.
Make sure you know what and why you are attempting to update. In some cases, this version may be OLDER than the version your system shipped with. It is recommended that you do not update unless you are instructed to do so.
Download the file 1661-00002-010(iq_firmware_group_file).bin by clicking HERE and save it to your PC in a convenient location.
Access the QOR control center from a browser by entering the IP address.
Select the Module Information link
At the bottom of the Modules page, locate the Upload Firmware and select Choose File button and locate the file previously downloaded.
With the correct file selected, press the Upload button.
The firmware group file is loaded and each module provides a drop-down to select the new firmware.
Select the new firmware and press the Update button to load the firmware.
The module will stop operations as it loads and starts the new firmware but will resume on its own
Repeat steps six and seven for each module listed, including the IQ Overbridge module.
Once complete, all modules should show Firmware version: 5.59 as shown here.

Firmware v5.59 Release Notes
Version 5.59
Brightness value of 0 will set the display into OFF state.
Version 5.56
Added support for new serial ROM due to EOL issues.
Version 5.52
Brightness test of overbridge added.
Third meter controls brightness in test-mode.
Version 5.50
Self-test mode improvement
Let us know how we can help
If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document please contact us.