How to read the Stream Statistics in VX Enterprise/ VX Prime Plus/ VXs


Telos VX Enterprise, VX Prime Plus and VXs provide advanced stream statistics to aid in troubleshooting AOIP and VOIP streams being sent and received

This helpdoc will review how the stream stats are presented, and how they can be used for meaningful troubleshooting

Reading the Stream Statistics

Classic VX stream stats are more limited, and just show stream reception for each hybrid receiver. Classic VX Prime stream statistics are represented closer to the current VX product offering, but are still slightly different

Navigate to the Stream Stats page:

VX Enterprise, VX Prime Plus:


The Stream Statistics are presented as a wide columned table:

Some bullet points:

  • Each row on the stream statistics page represents a pair of send and receive. In other words, the stats for Sending and Receiving a common input and output pair are listed on the same line

  • Each hybrid in a VX studio will be see as one row on this table.

  • Each active call session, will also be seen as one row on this table. But these rows show up when a call is answer on hybrid or on handset, and they are removed when the calls are hung up.

  • The Phone On Hold audio for each VX studio is shown as one row. However, only the Input and Receive values are not relevant. Since Phone On Hold does not send any audio, it just receives it

  • The Acoustic Echo Canceller for each VX studio consumes three rows. Two rows, for the two Inputs, and one row for the single Output

Next, we break up each column section into smaller pieces for dissection:

#   ID     section

Each stream pair has a # and an ID. These values are used internally and referenced in VX logs

Input   section and  Output section

The second section is the Input and Output section:

Input: Receiving from the network.

Output: Sending to the network.

Address: For hybrids, this is the multicast address and port that Livewire or AES67 streams are sent or received on. If Livewire is used a (+xxxx) or (-xxxx) is shown. This is showing you the Livewire channel number. The + means FROM source, the - means TO Source



Sample Rate:

Stat Filter:

Recv Status:

Send Rate:

A studio hybrid defined in VX like this:

Would appear as a Row, where the Input/Output column section would look like this:

Notice, under the Input column section. The Address field shows as this: (+12407). The 239.192.xx number is the multicast address of the Livewire channel number. The :5004 is the RTP port that the audio appears on from that multicast address. The (+12407) is the friendly Livewire channel number. If you see a + before the number, it means it is a FROM Source. If you see a - before the number, it means its a TO Source (a Livewire backfeed)

Phone On Hold:

The phone on hold defined in a VX studio like this:

Would appear as a Row, where the Input/Output column section would look like this:

Acoustic Echo Canceller:

RX Processing | TX Processing

RTP Recv Packets and RTP Errors | RTP Sent Packets