Step by step instructions on how to install Telos Infinity Dashboard
Dashboard is the system configuration and management software for the Telos Infinity Intercom System. This document covers how to install Dashboard. For more detailed information about using Dashboard please consult the full user manual, found at our Infinity Web Portal.
Preparing to Install
Before starting the installation there are a few items that are required. Below is a list of everything needed for a successful Dashboard installation.
A computer that is running Windows 7 or above and is connected to the Internet
Make sure that the computer has all Windows updates installed
The Dashboard software has been downloaded from our web portal
Ensure that the Windows user account that Dashboard will be installed under has Administrative rights
Installing Dashboard
Running the executable
To install Dashboard, double-click on the executable (exe) file to launch the installer. Follow the on-screen prompts until the page showing the two checkboxes, one for Infinity Agent and the other for Infinity Host, appears. By default, both components should be pre-selected as shown in the screenshot below.
If they are not, select both components. Click the next button now to continue installing the program.
After launching the InstallShield Wizard, please select to accept the license terms.
Then from the next screen, either accept the default location to install the Dashboard Services or click the browse button to select a preferred location.
With the install location selected, click next and follow the on-screen prompts until the Agent Configuration window appears.
The Agent Configuration section presents several options. For most systems, the default configuration, as shown below, is ideal. However, for some systems, these settings may need to be adjusted. An explanation of each field can be found below:
TCP Listen Port: This is the port used to connect between the Agent and Host Services of Dashboard. This should not be altered unless otherwise directed by a Telos Alliance support engineer.
NIC Agent: Determines the network Interface that the Dashboard Host and Server communicate on. ‘Auto’ will allow this communication to use any Interface on the machine. This is also the interface used to connect to Dashboard from a client machine.
NIC Livewire: This is used to connect to all Infinity devices on the network. Leaving this set to ‘Auto’ will allow Dashboard to listen for multicast traffic on any Network Interface. We recommend selecting the NIC that you intend to use for Livewire/AoIP.
We recommend having your network/NIC in order before installing Dashboard. If you change your NIC after installing Dashboard, you might have some connectivity issues. If you have to change the NIC used for Dashboard, please contact Technical Support.
IP Address Filter: Creates a White List of IP Address ranges that Dashboard is allowed to scan within. To configure a range, click ‘Add’ and the pop up shown below will appear. Enter the range start IP Address that Dashboard should be able to scan from in the left 4 boxes, and then the upper IP Address in the right 4 boxes. When complete click ‘Add’ to save the range. If the system requires multiple ranges, repeat this process until all ranges have been added. You can also leave this blank to allow Dashboard to scan the whole network.
Renderer: A Renderer is a dynamic mixer that facilitates the summed audio for Groups, IFB’s and Partylines within the Infinity Intercom System. The output of a Renderer is sent on a unique multicast stream address, which Dashboard and the Infinity system will automatically determine.
Renderer Channel Lower: Sets the value for the lowest possible multicast address used by the Groups, IFB’s and Partylines.
Renderer Channel Upper: Sets the maximum possible multicast address used by Groups, IFB’s and Partylines.
If the Renderer channel options are left blank, Dashboard will default the lower possible channel to be 29000. This is fine for most systems, but if you know that this might clash with your other Livewire/AoIP devices, we recommended setting a specific Renderer range.
Node Password: Select chosen password for connected Livewire and Livewire+ Devices if the password field is not left blank.
Once all fields within the Agent Configuration sheet have been entered, click Finish to advance the installer.
Follow any remaining onscreen prompts. The last prompt that appear will have option to finish the process and a tick box to start "Start Infinity Now". Make sure the box is checked and then click Finish.
Opening Dashboard
If you are using Dashboard Application, all you need to do is start the installed Dashboard icon.
If you are using Dashboard Server, you may notice that there are no new icons are applications on your computer. This is because Dashboard Server runs in the background, and can be accessed through a web browser.
Open up a web browser (we recommend Google Chrome), navigate to localhost:5000. You should see the login screen for Dashboard Server:
The default administrator login is:
user: admin
password: admin
Once logged in, you should see your Infinity devices on the left side. If they are not there yet, be patient, as it can take a couple of minutes for Dashboard to scan the network for the first time.
If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about how we can improve this document, please contact us.