Telos Zephyr iPort PLUS
This document applies only to the Telos Zephyr iPort PLUS Multi-Codec Gateway (iPort PLUS)
The iPort Plus was replaced by the Telos iPort High Density Multi-Codec Gateway (iPort High Density). This version represents the final update for the iPort PLUS
Telos iPort High Density Multi-Codec Gateway
Note the physical appearance difference between the two. The updates referenced here are ONLY for the iPort PLUS
Final Software Update
The final version of the iPort PLUS is 2.4.8a. Note this version is released as “Patch” and was never shipped NEW on any iPort. Click here to download version 2.4.8a to install on your iPort
If your iPort PLUS is running a current version OLDER than 1.7.1i you need an additional update FIRST. Contact support if you are in this situation.
/Release notes for 2.4.8
Bug #16057: Codec Livewire input canot load a ToSource if absent when iPort boots
Bug #15079: Codec configuration page: Incorrect error message if using dual mono
Bug #15080: LWRP. Cases when iPort sends unnecessary SRC indications.
Bug #15081: Web UI.Unable to configure "No audio (GPIO only)" if channel configuration is set to "Dual Mono"
Bug #15831: Content delay: incorrect TZD playback offsets
Enhancement #15830: Update openssh to version 8.5p1
Bug # 14851: Route is incorrectly added to the route table when B-path destination is in the same subnet as the B-path network.
Bug # 14771: Some devices does not showing sources from iPort (advertisement issue introduced in 2.4.4)