Left and Right Inputs are Swapped message on Voltair


This document explains why the following error message is displayed on a Voltair Watermark Monitor & Processor:

The Cause

As part of the Voltair startup, it sends tones through each channel to the encoder and makes sure that the return signals are as expected. This error occurs when a tone is sent out one channel and received in the other.  

For example, the error message will display if the Voltair sends audio from its left channel to the PPM encoder and hears audio from its right or if it sends audio from its right channel to the PPM encoder and hears audio from its left.

The Solution

To clear the error, swap the "Input from Studio" or "Output to Transmitter" channels, but NOT the cables to/from the PPM encoder. They need to swap the "Output to Encoder" or "Input from Encoder" channels.

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