
Start the driver.

It may already be started, but as a good measure, run the following command.

/etc/init.d/axiad start

Licensing using the command line

Run the licensing application that is called "licensing-tester"; this may change in the future.

There is also a graphical web interface option covered in the next section.

From the directory used in the previous section, run the command;


You should get a response similar to the below

Connected to EngineCore Router (@
Sent 47 chars of message to socket: {"name":"licensing_tester_rs","op":"REGISTER"}
Bytes written: all 47
Received from EngineCore router: "{"op":"REGISTER_REPLY"}"
gls - Get licensing status
ann - Add node name (NODE_NAME)
gnn - Get node name
gl - Get licenses
gal - Get all license info
als - Add Local server
dls - Delete Local server
as - Add server (SERVER_IP)
ds - Delete server (SERVER_IP)
gs - Get list of servers
al - Add license (LICENSE_KEY)
dl - Delete license (LICENSE_KEY)
slee - Subscribe to licensing expiration events
sleu - Subscribe to licensing update events
sles - Subscribe to licensing status events
ga - Get activation
da - Delete activation
ra - Reactivate all
Use "?" to print this message

Use the al command (alpha. lima. for add license) with a license for Linux Alsa driver.

Don't use the example below because it's not a valid license.  It is there as an example of what a properly formatted license might look like.  

al LD-Cxx-1010-2121-3232-4343-5454

The application has engineering testing information. If communication with the license server was successful, you should see a response;

Received from EngineCore router:"{"data":{"code":0,"error_message":"ok"}

A failed connection could look like this;

{"data":{"code":400,"error_message":"Failed (1)"}

To check if the license has authorized channels, use the ga (get activation) command;


Look for "leasedCount":16 where the number reflects the number of channels licensed.

Press CTRL-C to exit the application

Licensing using the web interface

As an alternative to the CLI, a web interface for licensing is available at port 8080 of the machine. This could be more friendly for manual testing, where the CLI would be more appropriate for external application modification of the licensing.

Enter the ip and port (example as seen below.  The License Management window is shown.

Enter the license key in the text box next to the Add License button. Press the Add License button after a valid key is entered.

The web interface will present information about the license, as seen below.

Remember, as noted in the Prerequisites section, this machine needs access to our publicly available License server.