Making a Physical QOR Source Available on the AoIP Network


This article covers the QoR based console systems.  It describes how to share a source connected to a physical input with the rest of the AoIP / Livewire network.


The physical inputs on the QOR engine are primarily meant to be called up on the console to which the QOR is connected. Sometimes, it's necessary to present audio that is connected to a physical QOR input to the network. Setting this up requires possible sacrifices to be made.


Remember that the QOR engine is not a node. It has a hard limit to the amount of Livewire / AoIP streams it can handle. Doing this will use up available Livewire / AoIP outputs.

If you can not sacrifice an AoIP output for this, it will be best to use a node for the input so that it can be shared with two different consoles.

Step 1:  Determine Which Input to Configure

The Sources page lists the name of the source and the input to which it's connected.  Use this to determine which physical input is to be presented to the network.

In this example, we will use the source called "Air," which is connected to the Analog 16 input.

Step 2:  Configure an AoIP / Livewire Output

Go to the QOR's Outputs page and configure an available AoIP output:

  • Set the Output to the appropriate input, in this case it's Analog 16

  • Name the new source, we're calling it "Air"

  • Set the Channel to an available LW channel number

  • Set the Mode to the appropriate value.  Here, we're using Standard Stereo.

Now that channel 2701 (your's will likely be a different LW channel number) is being sent to the network, it can be used in a source profile on another console as a Livewire input, or as a destination (output) of a node somewhere on the network.

NOTICE: AoIP output 1 can no longer be used to provide an automatic backfeed to the network.

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