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PDM II log packages
PDM II log packages are encrypted. You need a special tool to decrypt them. As of this writing (12-9-2022) Bryan Jones, Brett Patram, and Dan Griscom can decrypt log packages.

The customer DATA log is not encrypted.

Log packages are password-protected zip archives; contact Dan Griscom for the password if you want to decrypt them without the tool.
Log package contents
When a log package is unpacked, the result is a tree of files. The most interesting files are:
"/tmp" directory, containing
info.html: "info.html" web page, with all its information
df_current: disk partitions, sizes and usage
ifconfig_current: network configuration
imd.stat: status of the imd process (the internal audio mixer)
"/etc/network/interfaces": network configuration file
"/etc/pdmii/pdm257.conf": product configuration file
"/info.txt" file, with software version
"/serial_number" files, with serial number
"/var/opt/log" directory, containing log files (see below)
Log files
Log files are named either "messages" or "messages.#.gz". "messages" is the most recent, preceded by the compressed file "messages.1.gz", then "messages.2.gz", etc. If you use the log analysis tool, these will all be concatenated into a single, uncompressed "messages.all" file. Each file represents a day, or 50MB of uncompressed text, or a single boot of the unit. whichever is smaller.