The intent of this document is to cover the configuration of an Element or Fusion 2-fader call control module to control a Legacy Telos Nx or TWO-x-12 Hybrid System. It presumes that the Nx12 or TWO-x-12 has been configured, has ready lines (dots show on the desktop directors’ line positions), is present on the Axia Ethernet network, and is running up-to-date software. If the desktop directors do not show dots in the line positions, you’ll want to address those issues first. This document is meant to cover Element and Fusion version 3 or higher. Older versions will have a variation to this instruction.
Configuring the Source Profile
Log in to the console or the PowerStation and find/create a PHONE source profile for the first phone channel. Set up the profile as normal, providing the LW channel number of the “hybrid” in the phone system to be controlled and aired from the console.
In the PHONE CONTROL section, click the radio button next to CALL CONTROLLER 1 under US PHONE and set the value to 1. This links this source to the left column of the controller.
Check the “Mashing Allowed” checkbox to enable button mash conferencing to that hybrid.
Repeat this with the second source profile, except put a number “2” in the HYBRID field to tell the console that the second channel is controlled by the right-hand column.
Leave FIXED LINE set to “0” for this configuration.
When setting up channels for the Nx12's second show using hybrids 3&4 (see below), the hybrid identifications under US PHONE in the source profile should still be set to hybrid 1 and hybrid 2. Even though these are the Nx12's 3rd and 4th hybrids, the Element/Fusion show profile specifies show 1 or show 2 as described below.
Element / Fusion Show Profile:
The next thing to do is to tell the Element or Fusion which Show or Studio to log in to. This is done in the Element / Fusion Show profile. Go to SHOWS and select a show profile from the list. Scroll to the bottom of the fader list and click PHONE.
The setup here will be ever-so-slightly different depending on what system you are working with:
For PHONE TYPE, choose “AP (Nx12)” by clicking the radio button
Enter the IP address of the Nx12. (password too, if this applies).
Find out what the show name is by looking at the display of one of the Desktop Directors connected to the system. In our case, Nx12 is set up in “One Show / Four Column” mode:
Depending on what show mode the Nx12 is running in, the different options for SHOW NAME could be one of the following, but you’ll need to check the Desktop Director for sure: (Space and Case sensitive)
Hybrid 1-4
Hybrid 1&2
Hybrid 3&4
Leave the remaining fields blank.
Go to the PHONE page of the Element / Fusion Show profile.
For PHONE TYPE, choose “AP (Nx12)” by clicking the radio button
Enter the IP address of the TWO-x-12 along with the login password.
The default is username= "Telos" and password=" Telos," so you'll enter the syntax in the screenshot below.
Find out what the show name is by looking at the display of one of the Desktop Directors connected to the system. In our case the TWO-x-12 is in single show mode:
This time, you’ll notice that there is no space between “Hybrid” and “1&2.”
Depending on what show mode the TWO-x-12 is running in, the different options for SHOW NAME could be one of the following, but you’ll need to check the Desktop Director for sure: (Space and Case sensitive)
Finish up
Save your changes in both the phone and show profile pages, reload the show on the console, and test.