
There is a previous version of the Axia IP-Audio Driver for Linux that was pre-packaged and distributed exclusively by Paraval Systems.   The information found in this document is NOT for that version.  The Axia Linux Driver covered in this document is available as an OEM product only.  Support for this product is only available via OEM channels, and no end-user support is provided.  

Egress-only internet access is required to acquire and maintain a connection to a license server. End users may need to open the following TCP Port in their firewall to acquire a license. (DNS name A proxy server may optionally be used to pass licenses from a private to a public subnet.

Linux IP driver has been tested with Ubuntu 20.04.

Ensure that ALSA is installed.

ALSA stands for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. To check if ALSA is installed, you can run the alsamixer command from the prompt.

:~$ alsamixer

If the system responds with the following, ALSA is not installed.

Command 'alsamixer' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install alsa-utils

Installing ALSA

It's good practice to run sudo apt-get updatebefore installing anything.

ALSA is installed using the following command.

sudo apt install alsa-utils

Add the user to the audio group.

The user is added to the audio group using the following command, where user_name is the name of the Linux user where this driver is being installed.

sudo usermod -a -G audio user_name

Additional requirements

The interface name (eth0 or others) on the system to the AoIP network will be required later in this procedure.

You need to install the following software to proceed:

  • automake

  • cmake

  • make

  • gcc

  • g++

  • npm

  • golang

  • avahi

  • boost

  • dkms

On Debian/Ubuntu derivatives, all of this can be accomplished by the following commands.

First, update package information by;

sudo apt-get update

Then, the following.  Note you can copy and paste this as an entire command set.

sudo apt-get install -y automake curl cmake dkms libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libboost-all-dev && \
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - && \
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs && \
sudo snap install go --classic