Version 1.1.0
ECO-3127 March 18th in 2025
Click here to download version 1.1.0
New features
Bonded Network Failover mode
Enabling "Line Mode" on a mic input disables phantom power
Front panel network configuration is now limited to the first network interface
Reduced Livewire sender latency by 0.5ms
GPIO web page now includes channel pickers
WebUI cleanups
Bugs Fixed
ADVD discovery wouldn't forget no-longer-present devices
If booting with no senders enabled, then the unit won't discover ADVD channels until a sender is enabled
PTP clock priority ranges were wrong
PTP synchronization was unreliable
WebUI now properly handles restarting unit
LWRP ADDR would accept multiple values even if not in 2022-7 mode
AES3 input channels swapped, spurious gain of 6dB
Could not configure AES3 outputs to track AES input's clock
LWRP VER command was incomplete
SAP advertisement broken
Sync info should not be shown on GPIO units' web status page
Default RTP packet type for transmitted Livewire was 97; it should be 96
Tickets Addressed
This release addresses the following tickets.
Bugs 22486, 22693, 22875, 23071, 23283, 23387, 23456, 23536, 23551, 23564, 23604, 23628, 23733, 23743, 23782, 23813, 23850, 23854, 23865, 23874, 23883, 23884, 23900, 23902, 23906, 23911, 23912, 23915, 23921, 23925, 23926, 23928, 23931, 23935, 23965, 23967, 23998, 24008, 24009, 24018, 24021, 24022, 24040, 24041, 24042, 24043, 24048, 24049, 24056, 24058, 24072, 24130, 24154, 24167, 24173, 24183, 24208, 24258, 24260, 24262, 24269, 24278, 24283, 24285, 24301
Enhancements 23780, 23802, 23886, 23901, 23916, 23917, 23918, 23919, 23934, 23944, 24006, 24020, 24046, 24047, 24263
Features 20045, 22127, 24019, 24069
Tasks 20842, 21566, 23087, 23228, 23700, 23888, 24007, 24179
Missing Features
The following LWRP commands are not implemented
SAVE (once implemented, won't do anything)
Notable Remaining Bugs
Problems if both network ports are configured for the same subnet
Version 1.0.2
ECO-3084 November 20, 2024
Click here to download version 1.0.2
Note that Version 1.0.2 is the first available field update since initial release
New Features
Web UI improvements
Support for Axia Backfeeds
Full FOSS license compliance package generated
Set system time from incoming PTP sync packets
Allow custom RTP port for AES67 mode receivers
Can reset password from the front panel
Unencrypted web updates are no longer allowed
PTP configuration ranges and defaults are now set from the PTP media profile spec
Bugs Fixed
ADVD discovery had problems on high-traffic networks
ADVD advertisement used host "xNode2" rather than configured hostname
Could not change both network configurations at the same time on the front panel
Reliability improvements
Many cleanups
Microphone gains are properly handled
PTP configuration fixes and cleanups
Factory reset doesn't delete /config/testresults-*.txt files (with audio test results)
When restarting,the web UI no longer shows "Request error" again and again
Missing Features
Bonded network failover mode
the following LWRP commands are not implemented:
SAVE (once implemented, won't actually do anything)
Notable remaining bugs
The discovery system doesn't forget long-missing channels