
Expand the Senders (TX) (A) portion of the AoIP menu, revealing the ADD/DEL buttons (B). Clicking ADD generates a new stream with the default settings and name. Clicking DEL deletes the selected individual stream. Each Sender (C) has its own configuration and status page.

Figure 1 - Add an AoIP sender

Selects the type of AoIP stream. Choices include Livewire, AES67, and ST2110.

  • Session Status  - Displays the status of the current session.

  • RTP Status  - Displays the status of the Real-time Transport Protocol.

  • SDP - Shows the Session Description Protocol (AES67 and ST2110 only).

  • Provisional Stream Status - Displays live status information for the stream.

  • Reset Sender Status - Resets the live status information shown in the Provisional Stream Status window.

  • Interface 1 and Interface 2 - Displays the RTP status of the individual interfaces.

Note - The fields displayed will vary depending upon which protocol is selected. For example, AES67 and ST2110 will show SDP information, which is not applicable to Livewire. AES67 is shown in Figure 1.  

  • Enable - Enables or disables the stream.

  • Stream Name - Allows for a unique name for the stream.

  • Channel Count - Displays the number of enabled audio channels present in the stream.

  • Packet Time - Selects the packet time; options vary depending upon the selected protocol.

  • Seamless Protection Switching - When enabled, specifies the reconstruction of the original stream in case packets are lost in any path per SMPTE 2022-7.

Note - If Seamless Protection Switching is enabled, the Destination IP Address field of Interface 2 cannot be left empty.  

  • Codec - Selects the desired codec (AES67 and ST2110 only).

  • DSCP - Selects the Differential Code Service Point.

  • Auto RTP Payload Type - When enabled, automatically selects the RTP payload type regardless of what is specified in the RTP Payload Type field.

  • RTP Payload Type  - Allows the RTP payload type to be specified (AES67 and ST2100 only)

  • RTP Port - Specifies the port used for RTP.

  • TTL - Sets the Time to Live (packet lifetime) value.

  • Media Interface 1 / Media Interface 2 - Enter the multicast destination address of the sender in the Destination IP Address field. When the Livewire protocol has been selected, an additional field for the Livewire Channel number appears.

Note - When connected to Dante-enabled devices operating in AES67 mode, be sure to use the default Audinate prefix of 239.69.*.*  

Figure 2 - Setup an AoIP sender