This document applies to the Axia X1, X2, and XY router control panels and specifically covers the steps required to set the panel type, if needed.
X1 - Single, fixed destination controller
XY - Fully selectable destination controller
X2 - Dual, fixed destination controller

The X1, X2, and XY router controllers share the same hardware and software platform. Occasionally you may receive a unit or experience a unit where the configuration does not match the hardware. For example, you could have an XY controller; however, the web pages indicate it's an X1. There is a simple telnet command to set the type of unit.
Note that you can NOT convert between types of units. The internal (telnet) setting must match the hardware.
Setting the type
Open a telnet program. We'll use PuTTY for our example.
Enter the IP Address of your router control panel
Select Telnet from the Connection type: options
Make sure that port 23 is automatically populated when you pick Telnet
Click Open
When the login: prompt is presented, enter the name "user" and press enter. No password is required.
From the
prompt, enter the commandxyrmode xy
and press enter.You will receive confirmation that xy mode was set and
xyrmode xy saved in /home/xyr
Reboot the unit.
Settings for other types
Repeat the above steps for the type of router controller you have.
For an X1 controller, use the command
xyrmode x1
For an X2 controller, use the command
xyrmode x2
Let us know how we can help
If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document, please contact us.