This article covers the setup of an On-Air light for the following Consoles:
Click on any of the links to jump directly to that part of this article.
iQ series consoles - This includes iQ, iQx, Radius, RAQ, and DESQ.
The On-Air lights for all consoles function the same way. Although the setup menus differ slightly, all consoles have separate controls for the Control Room and Studio On-Air lights.
The Control Room is the room where the console is located. The Studio is a "talk" room where there is no console, only microphones, and the show hosts and guests.
The On-Air lights follow the muting state of each room. That is to say, any time the Control Room monitors mute, the On-Air lights turn on. Similarly, when the Studio monitors mute, the Studio On-Air lights are on.
Speaker muting happens automatically. Microphones in the Control Room will mute the Control Room monitor speakers. These include the following microphone types;
CR Producer
CR Guest
Microphones in the Studio will mute the Studio speakers. This consists of the following microphone type;
Studio Guest
Using this method eliminates the need for complicated wiring or other configurations when there are multiple microphones in each studio.
You configure the logic ports used for Control Room and Studio On-Air lights in the SHOW profiles of the consoles.
PRO TIP: GPIO is communicated to the GPIO node by the Livewire channel. An excellent choice for this is to use the same channel that is used for the CR Monitor or Studio Monitor speakers. If these are connected directly to the QOR, and no channel is used, then use any free channel, possibly one derived from the IP Address. For example, if the IP is, use 2798 and 2799.
This procedure is the same for the iQ, IQx, Radius, RAQ, and DESQ consoles.
Using a Web browser, log in to the configuration page of your console.
Click on the Shows link located under Profile Manager on the left side menu.

A list showing the four Profiles available is displayed.

Click on the name of the show you want to edit.
NOTE: The On-Air light must be configured in EACH Profile.
In the Profile, locate the Monitor Section heading. We are primarily concerned with CR Monitor and Studio Monitor columns and the Logic port for each. If you do not have a separate Studio, you do not need to configure the Logic port for the Studio Monitor.

Enter an UNUSED Livewire channel in the Logic port for both the CR Monitor and Studio Monitor sections.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Repeat this for any other Show Profiles
NOTE: You must reload any Show Profiles after saving for changes to be applied.
Using a Web browser, log in to the configuration page of your console.
Click on the Shows link located under Console on the left side menu.

A list showing the four Profiles available is displayed.

Click on the name of the show you want to edit.
Click on the Monitor section link.

Scroll down and locate the section called Control Room Monitor Options.
Enter an UNUSED Livewire channel in the GPIO channel for CR Monitor box.

Repeat this step for the Studio Monitor Options section. If you do not use a separate studio, you can skip this step.
Save your Show Profile settings.
NOTE: The On-Air light must be configured in EACH Profile.
NOTE: You must reload any Show Profiles after saving for changes to be applied.
Using a Web browser, log in to the configuration page of your console.
Click on the Shows link located under Profile Manager on the left side menu.
A list showing all Profiles is displayed.

Click on the name of the show you want to edit.
Click on the Monitor Section button.

NOTE: The On-Air light must be configured in EACH Profile.
In the Profile, locate the Monitor Section heading. We are primarily concerned with CR Monitor and Studio Monitor columns and the Logic port for each. If you do not have a separate Studio, you do not need to configure the Logic port for the Studio Monitor.

Enter an UNUSED Livewire channel in the Logic port for both the CR Monitor and Studio Monitor sections.
Click the Save Show button at the bottom of the page.
Repeat this for any other Show Profiles
NOTE: You must reload any Show Profiles after saving for changes to be applied.
Using a Web browser, log in to the configuration page of your GPIO node.
GPIO ports on PowerStation, QOR, xNode, etc, can can all be used for controlling on air light.
Enter the channel you specified in your Show profile into the Channel field of your GPIO node
Click Apply
NOTE: GPIO channels are not advertised. You can type the channel number directly in the Channel box.
Ensure that the "Logic for" drop down is set to Livewire for the GPIO ports being used with the Control Room or Studio Logic channel