This Helpdoc outlines the TCP/IP Ports and Protocols used in Telos VX Enterprise, VX Prime Plus and VXs hybrid products.
Some of this information is NOT the same for classic VX and classic VX Prime products. Please see THIS HELPDOC if you have a classic VX or VX Prime (2RU fanned or fannless engine) system
Ports Used
Port | Protocol | Function |
80 | TCP | HTTP web server via LAN interface |
8080 | TCP | HTTP web server via WAN interface. Disabled by default. Can be enabled by user, port can be changed by user |
22 | TCP | SSH via LAN interface |
1022 | TCP | SSH via WAN interface. Disabled by default. Can be enabled by user, port can be changed by user |
5004 | UDP | Default Livewire RTP port for multicast audio. Default AES67 RTP port for multicast audio. AES67 RTP port can be changed per each hybrid sender or receiver. Via LAN interface |
5060 | UDP | SIP port for call setup. Port can be changed by user per each SIP server entry. Via WAN interface |
62000-63024 | UDP | RTP SIP ports that the VX product will request SIP caller audio to be sent on. (RTP SIP Receive port range via WAN interface) and RTP unicast for VSET or Phone Screening software caller "handset" audio streams. Via LAN or WAN interface |
20518 | TCP | LWCP (Livewire control protocol) used with VSETs or call screening software to communicate/control VX systems. Via LAN interface. Disabled by default on WAN interface, but can be enabled by user. Required for VSET/ call screening software |
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