Version 1.6.1 of the Omnia MPX Node adds MIB-II compliant SNMP features, allowing you to monitor, query and control (with some limitations) your MPX Node using a MIB browser. This document assumes you have already installed version 1.6.1, and are familiar with SNMP and its capabilities.
A control section for SNMP can be found on the System Setup page. While the GUI is the same for both the MPX Node Encoder and Decoder, the SNMP capabilities differ between the Encoder and Decoder.
This simple page allows you to:
Enable SNMP (factory default is Disabled)
Enter a port number for SNMP communication (default is port 161)
For sending SNMP notifications, select an IP Address and port # where you want to push "Traps" to
Enter the Community name you are subscribing to.
Remember that once you make a change, you must press the APPLY button to save changes
The MPX Node's MIB and SMI files can be downloaded from this screen as well.
The MPXNode MIB file is the particular Management Information Base for the unit, supplied as an ASCII text file that describes the list of data objects accessible to SNMP controllers. Separate MIB files will be downloaded depending on whether you are logged in to an MPX Encoder or Decoder
The SMI MIB is the Structure of Management Information, which describes rules for managing these objects.
Both these files should be loaded into your preferred MIB administration software, and will provide you with SNMP access.
Settings that are accessible though the MPX Node's GPIO are available in SNMP, along with many other values.
The following tables demonstrate the types of status messages you can view, the types of variables you can set, and the types of notifications or traps that your MPX Node can push.
Decoder Variables | Notes |
| Read Only |
| Read/Write |
| GPI Triggers |
| GPO |
Decoder Traps / Notifications |
Encoder Variables | NOTES |
| Read Only |
| GPI Triggers |
| GPO |
Encoder Traps / Notifications |