The System portion of the iQs Control Center contains a variety of global status and configuration pages, each described below. The System menu is found via the iQs Control Center which is accessible by launching your preferred web browser on a computer connected to your studio network and entering the IP address of the iQs in the address bar.
Clicking on the Status menu in the System section of the iQs Control Center displays the current Version as well as various software and hardware information.
The Setup menu (6-1A) contains fields for network configuration, setting passwords, and selecting and updating software.
Network Configuration
Enter a friendly Hostname along with the IP address, Netmask, and Gateway information in the Network Configuration section (6-1B). Click the Save button (6-1C) to save the settings.
The Web access password section (6-1D) allows you to set a password associated with the “user” log-in. This access level allows not only access to the console surface itself but to the iQs control center. This is typically reserved for the engineering staff. Type the password in the “Password” field, re-type it in the “Confirmation” field, then press the “Change” button to save.
The Surface access password section (6-1E) allows you to set a password associated with the “surface” log-in. This access level only allows access to the console surface itself. This is typically the log-in for operators. Type the password in the “Password” field, re-type it in the “Confirmation” field, then press the “Change” button to save.
Software Updates
There are two software banks (6-1F). The active bank is indicated by a highlighted radio button next to the version number. To switch banks first click the button of the inactive bank and then click the Change active bank button (6-1G).
To upload a new software version that you have either downloaded from the website or which has been sent to you by Telos support, click on the Choose File button (6-1H). A dialogue box will open allowing you to navigate to the proper file on your computer. Once you have selected the file, click on the Upload image button (6-1I) to upload the file to the inactive software bank. Follow the instructions above to change the active bank.
Clicking on the Reboot button (6-1J) – unsurprisingly – reboots the iQs hardware.
Figure 6-1 - Setup
License Management
iQs comes equipped with four fader strips. Additional groups of four faders – up to 24 in total – can be added by way of a license key.
Click on License Management (6-2A). The License Activation field (6-2B) shows the current license key numbers (if any) and the total number of activated faders.
Paste the new license number in the Paste License Key here field (6-2D), then click the Add License button (6-2C) to enable the additional faders.
Figure 6-2 - License management
The system clock is set and adjusted by clicking on Customize (6-3A).
Note: This clock acts as the time source for system logs. It does not affect the time shown on the console Surface in the web UI.
To set the system clock from the local PC time, click on the Set time from PC button (6-3B). Each time the button is clicked, the time on this page will update.
The Timezone offset field (6-3C) allows a manual offset from UTP time with the option to manually advance the clock by one hour for Daylight Savings Time by checking the DST in effect checkbox (6-3D).
The DST Auto Adjust dropdown (6-3E) offers several options for dealing with Daylight Savings Time:
Do not adjust automatically – The clock will never adjust for Daylight Savings Time
Adjust using manual settings below – Switching to DST is determined by the values set in the DST Starts at and DTS Ends fields (6-3G)
Adjust according to European Summer Time – Follows the current European Summertime DST schedule
Adjust according to US rules – Follows the current DST rules in the United States
If you prefer to use an NTP server rather than the PC clock, click the Sync to NTP checkbox (6-3F) and enter the IP address of the server. The status of the NTP connection is also indicated.
Click the Apply button (6-3H) to apply and save changes.
Figure 6-3 - Customize clock
System Log
A log of the last 100 system events is available by clicking on Log (6-4A) in the System menu.
Figure 6-4 - System log Log History
Log History
A complete history of the system log is available by clicking Log History (6-5A).
Clicking an individual log file (6-5C) opens the file in the browser window. Clicking on the download icon (6-5B) downloads the log file to your computer’s default download folder. By default, Windows PCs use Notepad to open .log files while Macs use Console.
To delete log files, select the files to be deleted then click the Delete Selected Files button (6-5D).
Figure 6-5 - Log history Log Setup
System logs can automatically be sent to a Syslog server. Click on Log Setup (6-6A) and enter IP address of the server in the Syslog server field (6-6B).
The Syslog severity level filter dropdown (6-6C) determines which events are pushed to the server. The default setting of “Informational” is recommended for must applications.
Click the Apply button (6-6D) to apply and save any changes.
Figure 6-6 - Log setup Backup
Backup and Restore
Click on Backup/Restore (6-7A) to save, restore, or reset iQs settings.
Items that are saved and restored include:
Current gain setting of each fader
Configuration of all 24 outputs
Configuration of all four Show profiles
Which of the four Show profiles loads at startup
All Source profile destinations
Clock sync source, either Livewire or PTP, and its configuration
Vmixer configuration and any current states
Vmode configuration
Log settings and syslog configuration
Items that are NOT saved and restored include:
Network configuration, including Host name and IP address settings
User names and passwords
Licenses, including Base license and additional fader licenses
Clock settings
Log history
Clicking on the Backup settings button (6-7B) downloads a backup file to your computer. This can be used to restore a configuration should it inadvertently get changed.
To restore settings from a saved file, first click on the Choose File button (6-7C) and navigate to the location of the file, then click on the Restore settings button (6-7D).
A complete factory reset can be performed by clicking on the Factory Reset button (6-7E).
Important! Performing a factory reset will erase call configurations, both user and system. The IP address and passwords will be reset to their default values. Note that the process can take several minutes, and the unit will restart upon completion of the reset
Figure 6-7 - Backup and restore Synchronization
As an AES67 surface, iQs must be connected to a system clock for timing and sync. The use of a PTP Grandmaster clock is recommended. Note, when using an iQs (docker) container, PTP is the only option for sync. When integrated in a Livewire system, the Livewire clock can also be used as the master.
Click on Synchronization (6-8A) to view the options and status page.
Choose between PTPv2 (IEEE1588-2008) and Livewire clock with the Sync source dropdown (6-8B). If using PTPv2, enter the domain number in the PTP domain number field (6-8D).
Click the Apply button (6-8C) to apply and save your settings.
The Sync status display (6-8E) will show a red “NO SYNC” if no clock is present, and a green “SYNC” when locked to the specified clock.
Figure 6-8 - Synchronization