Congratulations on choosing the Axia Altus Mixing Console. We know that you're anxious to get things set up, so this section will explain the process.
When expressing an interest in Altus to a Telos representative, first steps will be an inquiry to see if Altus is a good fit for your needs. Once determined that indeed Altus is the right solution and all financial transaction terms are agreed on, Telos will assign a member of the Field Application Engineering team to your project. Once payment is received a license key will be sent to the customer which in turn enables the customer to register with their contact information, agree to terms required by regulatory agencies, and share with Telos the user name to be used to access the container repository. With the user name known, Telos Activation team will authorize said user to the container repository where the images of Altus are stored. From this point the customer will work with the assigned Field Application Engineer for a successful deployment of Altus.
The process with the FAE (Field Application Engineer) will use some setup scripts and manual steps based on the specifics of deployment. Basically we need to verify the network configuration of the server, install some container tools to the server, configure these tools, and install the desired container images for your solution. In some cases additional tools or stacks may need to be install. Again, based on the specifics of your needs.
We've made a few basic assumptions:
That you have some knowledge of network basics and network terminology
That you have some experience or familiarity with Axia Livewire products
That you have a suitable and correctly-configured network switch
The following sections will cover installation, initial network configuration, and licensing.