
Snapshots are taken from a live system and allow the user to create an offline copy for configuration. Snapshots consist of any Device, Input, Output, GPI, GPO, Group, IFB or Partyline and once saved they can be edited offline. These are particularly useful for creating configurations during a rehearsal and then backed up later.

A snapshot is associated with a scene. If no scene has been recorded then click “Select Scene” from the status bar and create a scene from the window, then click on “snapshot” and a current snapshot of the configuration will be saved to the new scene.

Figure 1 - Selecting a Scene

Figure 1 - Selecting a Scene

If a scene already exists then select the required scene, confirm it is live, and then click on “snapshot”. This will open a new window to allow the user to save the current live configuration to the selected scene or create a new scene.

Figure 2 - Associating with an existing Scene or creating a new scene

Figure 2 - Associating with an existing Scene or creating a new scene