Initial Configuration
The Telos Infinity MP-16 ships from the factory unprogrammed. When first powered up from the factory, the DHCP will be enabled allowing the Panel to work in dynamic-IP mode. For the system to operate in static-IP mode, each Panel must be programmed with the IP, Mask, and Gateway addresses and the DHCP must be disabled.
Note - Note: This next section refers to Telos Infinity Dashboard. Dashboard is the software product used to program and configure Telos Infinity systems and is available from V2.0 as a free product called Dashboard Enterprise. Dashboard Enterprise is aimed at users who want regular live access to the devices but is equally suitable for users who require ad-hoc occasional use. Its operation and installation is described in detail within a dedicated section later in this manual under the section “Dashboard Software”.
Configuration of the IP addresses is best achieved using the front Panel “setup” menu and then the Dashboard software can be installed and run on a local PC or central server (depending on the version). During installation, great care must be taken to make sure each device on the network is assigned its own unique IP address.
Once the IP, Mask, and Gateway addresses have been programmed, it is possible to configure some elements of the system using the front Panel configuration tools, but it is much more convenient to provide setup using the Dashboard software.
The Dashboard software listens for Livewire+™ AES67 connected Infinity products and updates a central or local database with the appropriate configuration information.
The Telos Infinity intercom system will operate perfectly well without the Dashboard software connected. But Dashboard does provide a convenient method for configuring and testing the whole system as well as maintaining the current configuration data.
To access the webpage, enter the IP address of the computer the Dashboard software is running on with port number 5000 appended. For example, if Dashboard is running on a computer with address, then enter “” into the web browser (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 - IP address of Dashboard server entered with port 5000
In the configuration shown below in Figure 2, Dashboard is running on a laptop or PC with IP address (the same subnet as the INF-MP-16 Panels). The laptop’s IP address is entered into the browser address bar with port 5000 appended to it. The browser will then display the Dashboard web page and show connected INF-MP-16’s.

Figure 2- Example configuration with Dashboard on PC
After entering the IP address and port number 5000 into the browser, the login window appears (as below). By default, “admin” is the username and password.

Figure 3 - Login page
Once the Dashboard software is installed and running it automatically searches for Telos Infinity Livewire+™ AES67 connected Panels, Virtual ports, Beltpacks, and other products such as Telos Alliance xNodes and mixing consoles and will register and display them as per the picture below. This example system represents shows an INF-MP-16 Panel, one INF-MP-16 with the INF-MXP-20 Expansion Panel, and two Beltpacks.

Figure 4 - Dashboard display running on a web browser
As the Telos Infinity Intercom system does not have a central matrix, there is no central storage for the configuration. Each Panel and Beltpack has a copy of the relevant parts of the configuration and it stores this in its own non-volatile memory.
If any number of Panels are powered down and powered up again, their configurations are automatically loaded from their own internal non-volatile memory and the Panel operations are restored. This is also true of Beltpacks.
Running Dashboard will load the configuration information stored in each device it finds on the Livewire+™ AES67 network.
Getting Started
A simple configuration would consist of two Telos Infinity INF-MP-16’s and two Beltpacks with Dashboard running on a laptop, an Ethernet switch and PTP clock source. This is demonstrated in the Figure below.

Figure 5 - Simple example configuration
Note - The next section refers to Telos Infinity Dashboard. Dashboard is the software product used to program and configure Telos Infinity systems and is available from V2.0 as a free product called Dashboard Enterprise. Dashboard Enterprise is aimed at users who want regular live access to the devices but is equally suitable for users who require ad-hoc occasional use. Its operation and installation is described in detail within a dedicated section later in this manual under the section “Dashboard Software”
When first powered on the Infinity Panels and Dashboard software running on the Windows-10 PC will all advertise their availability. Dashboard will display the devices in the top left corner of the webpage as below.

Figure 6 - Example of four devices found by Dashboard
See the “Dashboard Software” section for a full description of configuring a Telos Infinity Intercom system using Dashboard. The selection boxes on the right of the Dashboard Devices window provide the following functionality.
Changes the name of the Panel, Virtual Panel, or Beltpack. In this example, the Panel names are “Director” and “Producer”, and the Beltpack names are “Floor 1” and “Floor 2”.
Launches a new window to configure the Panel or Beltpack directly (see below). When the page launches it requests a username and password. The username is “user” and the password is blank.
Launches a window to allow the device to be assigned to a scene or zone.
Allows manual addition of a Panel, Virtual port, or Beltpack.
Sort Name
Lists the devices on Dashboard in alphabetical order.
Sort IP
Lists the devices on Dashboard in order of ascending IP address.
Sort Type
Lists the devices on Dashboard in order of type; Beltpack, Panel, or Virtual port