Version Changes


Please note that this version is a major update and also represents a feature freeze in advance of a new 1.8 release version. Primarily, this version adds a new dark theme for user panels as well as a number of new components. Please report any issues or bugs you may run into to support. Bugs will still be updated in the 1.7 branch until we make the full release to 1.8. But any new features will go into a 1.9 beta version.


This version adds consistency to the None source in Virtual and SapProperty Routers. Specifically the CurrentSource property will report 0 instead of an empty string. And the CurrentSourcePath property will report ://. It is important to note that in rare situations this may be a breaking change. If you have a logic flow that uses the None source as a start point, you may need to review to make sure it still matches correctly and does not need to be updated after moving to this software version.

Additionally this version adds the ability to use the None source as a base point in a virtual router’s source. This can be useful when you have multiple base points in your source and destination and want to specify how to clear only some of them. This should not be used to completely clear a virtual destination as the normal Virtual None source does that already.

Please note that these changes did require touching a number of places in the routing code so please report any bugs or issues you may encounter.

User Panels

Dark Theme

This version of PathfinderCore PRO introduces a new theme to user panels. This theme may be selected by clicking within the main panel background of a new or existing panel and selecting the theme property from within the style section. There are only two options currently: default and dark.

The default theme is the same theme that has been available previously. Please be aware that some theme colors and styles are still being adjusted and so may change as the beta testing continues. To give an example of the difference between the themes see the screenshots below:

It is important to note that when changing between themes, it often requires a save of the panel in the new theme before the style will be correctly displayed. Additionally, existing panels may require some adjustment when changing to the new theme. In particular, styles which you have overridden with you own settings will retain your choices which may or may not be appropriate to the new style.

If you decide you prefer one theme to the other, you can set an Advanced option to make it the default theme for new panels.

The only two options that can be used for the DefaultTheme advanced setting are default and dark. Setting this option to any other setting may prevent you from creating new panels until it is fixed. A reboot is required before any advanced setting takes effect.

It is also important to note that the theme just presents you with the default styling of the components. All properties for customizing that style to your own liking and design are still available in both themes.

Console Component

There are a variety of new or changed components that will be mentioned throughout the rest of this document that are designed to allow you to layout and design your own console control. However this new component will accomplish all of this with a single component as long as you are happy with the styles and layout this component presents.

After dropping this component onto a panel, use the control property to select from a list of consoles. When the panel with the component executes, it will automatically display and layout the controls according to the type of console it has been attached to. Increasing or decreasing the height of the component will adjust the height and size of the components within the console. Changing the width of the component will present or hide paging buttons for the fader list depending on how many faders the console has. The fader count is not correctly displayed in the designer and is fixed to 8. The fader list is only populated with the actual fader count when the console is initialized in a running panel.

Important Note: The Fusion and Powerstation require version of the fusion software in order to properly use the monitoring section with these consoles.

Analog Clock and Analog Countdown styles

The screenshots of the dark theme display a new style to clocks. While the traditional style is the default in the default theme, and the new quasar style clock is the default in the dark theme, this is an option within the clock component. Under the style section in the properties of the analog clock and analog countdown clock is a property called clockstyle. The available options are classic and quasar. So this style may also be selected in the default theme:

The color palette in the default theme is designed for the default theme. In addition, a variety of properties have been added for use when the clock is in the quasar style in either theme so that you can adjust the colors to whatever you desire.

  • Under background

    • quasar-clock-hours-color: changes the color of the background outside circle.

    • quasar-clock-elapsed-hours-color: changes the color of the elapsed hours in the outside circle.

    • quasar-clock-minutes-color: changes the color of the background inside circle.

    • quasar-clock-elapsed-minutes-color: changes the color of the elapsed minutes in the inside circle.

    • quasar-clock-marker-color: changes the color of the gaps between the mark points in the hours and minutes circle.

    • quasar-clock-second-hand-color: changes the color of the second hand.

  • Under font/text

    • quasar-clock-ampm-color: changes the color of the am/pm text in the clock.

    • quasar-clock-time-color: changes the color of the time text in the clock.

    • quasar-clock-date-color: changes the color of the date text in the clock.

Console Fader Changes

The console fader has had some adjustments to its intelligence such that if you use the control property to select the fader to map to, it will figure out the correct audio io to use for metering. This uses new features in the metering service where metering for Qor/iQx consoles will use the Lwcpss protocol for metering under the hood. Additionally, when mapped to a Qor/iQx console there will be an additional option button. This will raise the menu-selected and menu-unselected event. The menu-enabled property may be disabled to prevent this button from being displayed or used. And the menu-indicator property may be used to light or unlight the button. While this button can be used for any purpose you like, its intent is to be used with the new eq/dynamics section as described later in this document.

There is also now a meter-location option which moves the confidence meter from the top of the fader to a vertical meter to the right hand side of the fader.

Console Fader Dock

This version adds a new component called Console Fader Dock.

This component will present a list of consoles in the control property in the designer. When executing the panel connected to a console, the dock will auto-fill with all of the faders the console has. It will present page left and right buttons automatically if there are more faders than can be displayed in width designed in the console component.

Console Meters

This version adds a new component called Console Meters which will present the program buss 1 through 4 meters.

It also will present a list of consoles through the control property in the designer that will allow you to map the control to a specific console. Like the updated console fader, it will automatically figure out the correct metering paths (lwrp/lwcpss) from the console it is attached to it. In addition this module has a logo property which will allow you to upload a logo image which will sit between the top and bottom meters. The size ratio of the logo must be designed in order to display correctly. The height should be approximately one fifth of the width. The example svg we have used had dimensions of 6774x1452 and is then scaled up and down accordingly. This may take some experimentation to get correct.

Console Monitor Section

The Qor/iQx monitor section component has been removed from the control palette but will still work in existing panels. Instead a new intelligent monitor section component exists. Like the console fader, this component will alter its layout and display depending on the type of console it is pointed at. Under the hood it still uses the Qor/iQx monitor section control and displays it when the console is pointed at one of those types of consoles. When pointed at a Quasar or Fusion or Powerstation the components will present different options relative to that consoles capabilities:

Again use the control property to select from a list of consoles in the system.

Important Note: The Fusion and Powerstation require version of the Fusion software in order to properly use the monitoring section with these consoles.

iQ Fader Processing

The iQ fader processing is a new component that accesses the eq and dynamics section of Qor and iQx faders. In order to use it, select the console from the control property and then assign a number 1 through 24 to the fader-number property to use it with a specific fader. This assignment can be automated using the menu button in the console fader object. Turn the binding of the fader-number property on. Then within each fader in the panel, use the menu assign and menu unassign event to assign the correct fader number to the component. A fader number of 0 can be used to make the component not have any effect. It is a good idea to hook the menu indicator to the eq/dynamics section fader-assign property as well so the menu button will only light if the current fader is selected in the component.