
The System menu includes sub-menus for:

  • Setup - Includes "friendly" fields for the Hostname, system location, and system contact.

  • Network - Displays and configures settings for the various LAN interfaces.

  • Certificate - System cetificate for Transport Layer Security by using SSL based communication

  • Update - Facilitates system updates.

  • Logging - Displays a variety of system and event logs.

  • Licensing - Lists the currently installed licenses and facilitates downloading and uploading license files.

  • Info - Displays a variety of system statuses of hardware, software, system load and GNU licenses

  • Users - User management, password and SSH key settings

  • Storage - Display of the usage of the storage devices of the system

  • Terminal - Systm terminal via the UI

  • Backup / Restore - Used to create a backup file or restore a unit from an existing backup.

  • Power - Provides a means of shutting down or power cycling the unit from the remote interface.

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