Version Changes

RestApi Device

Added a name field to the investigation dialog in order to apply a more user-friendly name. This is described in more detail above in version notes.

Virtual Router

Enabled property for Virtual Source and Destination base Ios

Each virtual source and destination’s base points in a virtual router now also include an enable property which could be true or false. This can be used to disable the base point from being considered during route changes and route state analysis. This property is only available via the API tree in logic flows as it is considered an advanced property. Here is an example of where this feature might be useful. Let’s say we are mixing audio for an airchain using a vmixer. We might create a virtual router with the virtual mixer destinations and the possible studio sources. However, what if for redundancy sake we wished to duplicate the settings on a vimixer on a second engine thereby allowing us to feed the air chain off of either engine and take one or the other out of service. To accomplish this, we could create a virtual router with destination base points using vmixer channels from both engines and where the source points are the same source base point duplicated.

Destination (note the different engine paths):

If this virtual source was routed to the virtual destination, the same base source would get routed to the vmix destination on both engines. And the route would only show active if it was successfully made on both engines. However, if we wanted to take engine number 2 offline for maintenance, our route changes would still be sent to both engines, but the state would not be displayed since the offline engine did not show the successful route.

Using the enable property of the base points, we could create a scene or a logic flow that disabled the destination base points for the second engine while it is in maintenance. The virtual router would continue to work as if those base points did not exist in the destination. Then we could execute a second scene when the engine comes back online to re-enable those base points.

Advanced: Push Route on Base Io Enable

This feature works with the base io enable/disable feature above. When viewing a virtual router on the points tab, there is now an advanced button on the far right hand side:

Clicking the advanced button will open a dialog for advanced options. Currently the only option is a checkbox for Push Route on Base Io Enable which by default is off.

This option defines what happens when a virtual source or destination’s base point was set to enabled=false and changes to enabled=true. If the option is checked, then the existing route state will be re-applied in order to update the state of the base point that was just re-enabled with the current source. If this option is not enabled, no change will be made when the base point is enabled meaning that the route state may change to something like Other since the newly enabled base point does not fit the current source to destination pairing.

Virtual Mixing Router

Please note: This is very much a beta feature. Please report any problems using this feature so that we can address them as soon as possible.

This version adds a new type of virtual router called a virtual mixing router. To create one, browse to the routers page and click the plus icon to add the router. From the Router Type, select Virtual Mixing Router, provide a name and description, and click Add.

The virtual mixing router is created and populated in the same way as a virtual router but it behaves differently. A virtual mixing router only allows a single base point for each source and assumes that the base points of a destination mix together. Therefore, you can apply multiple sources to the same destination up to the number of base points you have defined for the destination. Let’s see if we can make this clearer through an example. Let’s say you have 10 studios and 4 air-chains. However, some of these studios are news rooms which may need to be mixed in with the main studio. In this case you can use a vmixer on an engine to mix these together. And we could use the Virtual Mixing Router to dynamically route studios into the vmixer. To do this we would create the virtual mixing router like this:



If we added additional sources and destinations where the destinations were comprised of multiple mixed (vmix) destinations and the source was a single source, we end up with a router that can look like this:

You will notice that the destination AirChain1 actually has three sources assigned to it and since under the hood the destination’s base points are in the same vmixer, these are mixed together. It is important to note that PathfinderCore PRO does not actually do any audio mixing. No audio passes through PathfinderCore PRO. Rather you are telling PathfinderCore PRO that these destinations are all a part of a mixer.

Routing a source to a destination in a Virtual Mixing Router is accomplished differently than in a normal router. In a normal router we assign a source to a destination using the CurrentSource or CurrentSourcePath property. With a Virtual Mixing Router we use a different set of properties called AddSource, RemoveSource, and SwapSource.

When you apply a source number to a virtual mixing destination’s AddSource Property, the system will review the destination’s base points. If the source is already assigned to one of the destination’s base points then no change is made. If it is not assigned and all of the base points already have a source assigned to them, then no change is made. If it is not assigned and once of the destination’s base points is cleared, then the source will be applied to that base point. Therefore, you can route as many sources to the destination as the destination has base points and they will be dynamically used.

Conversely, when a source number is applied to a destination’s RemoveSource property, the system will check to see if that source is applied to any of the destination’s base points, and if so it will clear that base point.

The SwapSource property checks to see if a source is applied to one of the destination’s base points and if not, it attempts the same actions as AddSource. If it is applied, then it executes a remove source. This is useful for toggle buttons that add and remove sources from a destination.

While this router’s sources can only have a single base point. It is possible to marry points together by putting the base points in a virtual router and then targeting the virtual router as the base points of a virtual mixing router.

Last updated