Version Changes

Warning: This version has been removed due to a bug in audio routing. Please use until we get a patch generated. The documentation for this version will apply to the next version as well so has been left here.

Additional Gain Properties (InDb)

Gain in Axia equipment is sometimes expressed in a decimal format (-10.1), and sometimes in an integer format that still represents tenths of a dB (-101). For example the Fader_Gain property represents -10.1dB via the value -10.1. But VMixers and nodes represent -10.1dB as -101. This version tries to bring those together by adding an additional property for each property that expresses the gain in integral tenths to a decimal format. So for example the Vmixer IN object now has both a GAIN property and a GainInDb property. The GainInDb property essentially divides the native Gain by ten on Get and Sub and multiplies a set value by ten when sent to the equipment. This can be useful in situations where you want one gain to match and/or control another gain. For example if you wanted to make a physical fader on a console control a vmix fader you would use a logic flow like:

Warning: This flow requires increasing the recursion detection settings in Advanced or it will be disabled by recursion detection when the console fader generates too much data.

If you were to use the GAIN property on the output instead of the GainInDb property, the value conversion would be off by a factor of ten. If the property does not have a corresponding parallel, it means that the property is already expressed in a decimal format. If you find one where that is not the case, please report it so we can address it.

Numeric Memory Slots

This version changes the backing variables being used in Numeric Memory Slots from integers to decimal. This allows decimal values (like 10.1) to be used in the slot value, increment, decrement, and range properties.

Last updated