
Pathfinder Core PRO provides a variety of different logging mechanisms as well as maintaining its own internal system logs. There are two kinds of log files created by the system: System Logs and User Logs.

  • System Logs are created by the system’s internal services and primarily define information for use by the developers.

  • User Logs are where you can define changes on your Axia network that you want to be entered into log files for later review.

Click on the Logs link in the Navigation bar to view the current logs in the system as well as to define logging options.

Creating New Log Writers

To see the list of Log Writers that have been created in the system, click the Log Writers link on the User Log window.

Each Log Writer in the system will be displayed on this page by Name along with its type and location.

  • To create a new Log Writer, click on the plus icon on the Log Writers screen.

  • Type a Name for this Log Writer in the Log Writer Name field.

  • From the Log Writer Type drop-down list, select this Log Writer’s Type. There are four types of Log Writer that can be created:

  • If you are configuring a TCP Listener or Client Log Writer, type the TCP Port associated with the TCP application.

  • If you are configuring a Sys Log Log Writer, type the IP Address of the collector application

  • Use the selection window at the bottom of this dialog to select what log options you wish to log.

Expand the tree and check the items you wish to log. The available items are:


  • AlarmState: Generates a log message whenever an audio alarm state changes.

  • LvlState: Generates a log message whenever the audio threshold for silence is passed for longer than 250 ms. This occurs before the countdown to an alarm state begins. It can be used to log the actual transitions being reported by the equipment but may also generate a large amount of log content depending on the type of audio content being monitored.


  • Connected: Logs connections and disconnections from equipment. Use this log message to find equipment with which Pathfinder Core PRO is struggling to maintain a connection.

  • Online: Logs changes to the online/offline state of the device. For a device to be considered online, proper communications must be occurring on all identified ports.


  • VMIXGain: Logs changes to VMIXer gain settings.

  • VMIXState: Logs changes to VMIXer On/Off settings.


  • PanelPropertyChanged: Logs changes to properties of any of the controls in user panels.


  • CombinerOutputChanged: Logs changes whenever a logic flow translator changes its output.

  • TranslatorOutputChanged: Logs changes whenever a logic flow translator changes its output.


  • MemorySlotChanged: Logs whenever a memory slot changes its value.

MessageLogging (Note: use with support or when trying to find a problem as these can increase CPU load. These are for troubleshooting only.)

  • AccessViolations

  • LoginFailures

  • LoginSuccesses

  • LwcpIncoming: Lwcp incoming messages.

  • LwcpOutgoing: Lwcp outgoing messages.

  • LwrpIncoming: Lwrp incoming messages.

  • LwrpOutgoing: Lwrp outgoing messages.

  • SapV2ExternalIncoming: SapV2 messages coming from outside the system.

  • SapV2ExternalOutgoing: SapV2 messages being sent outside of the system.

  • SapV2InternalIncoming: Incoming sapV2 messages between services.

  • SapV2InternalOutgoing: Outgoing SapV2 messages between services.


  • GPIO State: Logs changes to GPIOs within the system.

  • RouteState: Logs any route changes that take place within the system.


  • Elapsed: Logs whenever timers elapse.

  • Enabled: Logs changes to a timer’s enabled state.

When all fields are complete, click Apply to save your changes and create the Log Writer.

Viewing Existing Logs

Clicking a log Filename in the User Logs window opens the log in a browser.

Log entries can be viewed in the browser window directly or copied to a text file for more robust searches.

Log File Maintenance

You may notice that some logs (such as the Silence logs in the screen shot below) have multiple copies with a period and a number at the end.

Due to space restrictions, Pathfinder Core PRO maintains an intelligent log rotation service which will rotate the log files as they become too large. Generally, log files are rotated four times with a new file created when the current log reaches approximately 4MB. When the fourth log gets too large, the oldest log is discarded and the filename reused.

There are some other rules which this service uses that might generate more aggressive log manipulation and/or deletion if space is becoming limited. For this reason, it is recommended that you use an outside syslog-based logging service to capture logs that you wish to store for longer periods of time. Review the Creating New Log Writers section for additional details.

Last updated