Version Changes

Pulse and PulseValue Properties

The version adds two new properties to SapPropertyRouter sources and destinations. One is called Pulse and the other is called PulseValue. Both are write only properties. The Pulse property resubmits whatever the current value at the sap property source or destination through the router translations. For example, if the SapProperty source is assigned to a memory slot and the destination is the ToSend property of a device emulator, the current value from the memory slot at the source can be sent repeatedly by a timer if needed. The PulseValue replaces the current value at the property source or destination with whatever value you choose momentarily, and then immediately flips it back to the original value. This can be useful to retrigger logic and/or to resend commands through the sap property router.

Warning: While both Pulse and PulseValue were introduced in, PulseValue had a bug and was not working properly. Use for the fix for PulseValue.

Last updated