Virtual Machine

Approved Virtual Machine Hypervisors

The Virtual Machine (VM) instance of Pathfinder Core Pro has been verified on the following VM hypervisor engines:

  • VMWare 6.7.0

  • Hyper-V Server 2016

  • ProxmoxVE 5.1-41

  • VirtualBox 5.2

  • Stratus everRun 7.5.05

This document does not cover the setup of a VM hypervisor engine, and it is the responsibility of the customer to set up and be knowledgeable of the VM engine in use.

Minimum VM Instance Requirements

The virtual instance created should have the following minimum settings applied:

  • 2 GB RAM memory

  • 4 GB hard drive storage (fixed allocation)

  • 2 processor allocation

  • Bridged network adapter (minimum of 1 bridged for the Livewire network)

    • It is recommended to use Paravirtualized VirtIO, VMWare Vmxnet3, or Intel Pro options for network interface emulation.

Important Note: Larger amounts of RAM, faster processors, more processors for better parallelization, and additional hard disk space can be used for large systems to improve performance and capacity or to make more space available for logging.


Once the VM instance is defined, point the VM to load the ISO file provided with the purchase. Start up the VM instance and the system will begin to install.

The system will ask you to type 20 random characters. Just tap random keys on the keyboard at random rates of speed until the system tells you to stop. This will initialize the random number generator. When complete, the system will instruct you to press the ENTER key.

The system will warn you about overwriting the hard drive (a virtualized instance). The system expects to find a virtualized SATA drive, and if it cannot be found, the installation will not continue. If found, it requests a second confirmation. Press "y" to proceed. At completion, the system will ask for removal of the ISO image. Make sure you remove the ISO pointer before proceeding (eject the virtual CDROM). Press any key to reboot the new installation. After bootup, the first step is to assign an IP address to the system.

IP Address Configuration

You must assign an IP Address to your Pathfinder Core PRO VM instance before you can use it. The screen at the VM terminal can be navigated using the arrow keys and the ENTER and ESC keys.

  • Press ENTER to access the configuration menu

  • Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to highlight the NETWORK menu option, then press ENTER

  • Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to highlight the LIVEWIRE network interface, then press ENTER

  • Configure the IP settings, using the UP/DOWN arrow keys to increment or decrement the values and the ENTER or ESC keys to edit or exit each option; you can also type numerals instead of using the arrow keys

  • After configuring the IP, NETMASK, and GATEWAY settings, select DONE and press ENTER

  • Repeat this process for the Office interface and the DNS configuration (DNS may be required for email configuration)

  • Once all configurations are complete, navigate to Reboot and Apply Settings and press ENTER; confirm any request; the system will reboot using the new network configuration

First Time Licensing Access and Setup

  • Access the web interface by typing in the IP address configured earlier in a web browser; an authentication window will appear; type the following values: Username = Admin Password = Admin

  • Select Sign In to load the Pathfinder Core PRO control panel

  • After logging in, you must enter a License; click the Edit Licenses link on the System page

  • Click the New License item in the list and type the Access Code you received after purchasing Pathfinder Core PRO into the Access Code field

  • Click Generate Request; a Request Code will appear that matches your access code

  • Copy the Request Code and Access Code, then click the Generate License link to open the Pathfinder licensing web site in a new window

  • Create a new account; if you have an existing account, log in using your username and password

  • The Activation Type drop-down, Access Code, and Request Code fields should be pre-populated with the information you entered in Pathfinder CORE Pro; if they are not:

    • Verify Activation Type is set to Pathfinder Core PRO VM or VML (depending on your purchase)

    • Paste or type your Access Code in the AccessCode field

    • Paste or type your Request Code in the RequestCode field

  • The remaining fields are customer information needed required registration of the product; these fields should be completed using end customer details, not those of the contracting integrator or installer

  • Once submitted, the account will be generated and license information will be available; copy the license information to the License Key field on the Licenses page

  • Once a valid license is in place, reboot to make sure the license is active; once the licensing is complete and the networked devices are on line, you may move to the Discovery section.

Last updated