The Utils tab is used to upload and select firmware versions, to download logs when requested by customer support, and to reboot PDM II.
Two software banks, Bank 0 and Bank 1, are provided. The bank currently in use is indicated here.
To upload a new firmware version to the bank not currently in use, click on the "Choose File" button, navigate to the appropriate .pkg file, then click the "Install package on Bank" button to start the initialization.
To switch the active software bank and reboot PDM II, click on the "Reboot from Bank" button.
When instructed to do so by Telos Alliance customer support, you may download log packages covering the last 5 days, last 30 days, or all stored logs.
PDM II can be rebooted remotely by clicking on the "Reboot Unit" button. An "Are you sure?" page will open for verification before the unit reboots.