Axia IP Audio Driver version

This article version is deprecated but retained for historical reasons.  See the link to in the Scope section. 


This article is left here for historical reasons but is superseded by Driver version 2.12.05.  Refer to this document to update to that version.

This article applies only to the Windows version of the Axia IP Audio Driver.

Specifically as it relates to the version 2004 and 20H2 updates to Windows 10if you are NOT running Windows 10, or are NOT running the 2004 (9 JUN 2020) update, or a version that precedes it, this version does NOT fix anything else. However, there are a couple of new features, mostly maintenance items. See below for this information.

As of this writing, 2004 and 20H2 are current updates. Version 21H1 was released on 18 MAY 2021. Information on specific Windows update versions is found here.


In Windows update version 2004 and 20H2 of the Windows 10 desktop operating system, Microsoft changed the global sleep timer value from 1 millisecond (1000 times per second) to 15.625 milliseconds (64 times per second). This has nothing to do with the "sleep" settings you find under the power configuration but has to do with how other programs allow access to the CPU. In the software world, your process has to "sleep" to allow other processes access.

Previously, when writing your software, you would sleep(1) which means "sleep for one sleep cycle." In this case, 1 millisecond. After the update to version 2004 or 20H2, when the software calls sleep(1), the "one sleep cycle" is set to 15.6 milliseconds. That's not good when you sample audio in 5-millisecond chunks.

Customers have often said it sounds l like a sample rate issue. It sort of is because we are sampling 5ms of audio, waiting 15.6ms and then sampling another 5ms chunk of audio.

Updating the driver

This version of the IP Driver forces the global sleep timer back to 1 millisecond. Installing this version also attempts to address an issue reported by some users of Windows 10 where the Livewire Advertisement service may not start correctly after a reboot.

We are also assuming you are running version currently. If not, please review the pre-install recommendations in this document before you begin. You do not need to have installed first; however, the same guidelines for installation apply to this version.

Axia IP-Driver version release and install information

  1. Download the 64-bit Beta version of the driver installer by clicking here.

If you require the 32-bit installer, click here.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, make sure you have your license and key available. Uninstall will remove this information, and you will need to re-enter it.

  1. Uninstall Previous Versions

Using Add/Remove Programs in Windows, uninstall the previous version of the Axia IP-Driver. After uninstalling, you must reboot before installing version

Errors during removal

If you are having trouble uninstalling a previous version please see this article.

  1. Execute the installer package MSI file. Note that the installer is for a 64-bit OS. Please contact us if you need a 32 bit installer.

The installation process will take you through a few windows to install the driver. Enter the appropriate information when requested.

NOTE: Licensing information is both case and space-sensitive. Ensure you have entered the information correctly!

A progress bar window will present itself to provide feedback on the progress. In some cases, it may appear stalled because a window has opened waiting for user input. Before assuming the process has failed, make sure you acknowledge all active windows. Closing the installation process prematurely can lead to a corrupted install.

Once the install is complete, there will be a notification window providing the option to press the Finish button. You will then be prompted to reboot your computer. After reboot, the IP-Audio Driver is installed.

What's New In This Version?

In addition to the fixes for Windows 10, the following NEW items are available.

  • The Driver Control Panel now supports additional Destination (input) formatting. This applies to the reception of AES67 streams that may NOT be what is expected as a default.

Usage - After the multicast address add the format options using ;fmt=. For example, for a one channel AES67 stream;;fmt=L24/48000/1

For a good reference, see this document. Most formatting options previously described as needing PuTTy can now be entered directly.

SIP settings can now be changed or disabled. Previously, SIP was always enabled on port 5060. Please see this document for making SIP changes.

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