Version 1.3.35 of the Omnia MPX Node adds redundant streaming capability. This document assumes the IP addresses have already been assigned to both network interfaces on each MPX Node. For assistance setting the IP address of the MPX Node please see the Quick Start Guide.
The design shown here is one method to build system redundant streams. Designs for more complex applications can be extrapolated from this document.
If multiple IP networks are available, it is possible to send redundant streams and have the decoder reconcile MPX signals on a packet-by-packet basis. For this example, there will be 2 internet service providers at both the Studio and Transmitter sites.
Version 1.3.35 or newer software is required. If the MPX Node needs to be updated please click here.
You must know both of the public static IP addresses
Port forward the same port through both firewalls at the transmitter site
Configuring the Decoder MPX Node
Using your web browser, navigate to the main web page of your decoder MPX Node.
TIP - The IP Address of your MPX Node can be obtained by repeatedly tapping the upper user button on the front panel until the IP Address is displayed.
Log in with your user name and password.
Open the µMPX Setup Menu
Turn off the µMPX Decoder
Find the stream receiver section
Set the Main port number to the one that is forwarded through both routers
Click Save
Turn on the µMPX Decoder
Make sure the main port shows as the active port
Configuration of the Decoder is now complete. Move on to configuration of the encoder MPX Node for system testing.
Configuring the Encoder MPX Node
Using your web browser, navigate to the main web page of your encoder MPX Node.
TIP - The IP Address of your MPX Node can be obtained by repeatedly tapping the upper user button on the front panel until the IP Address is displayed.
Log in with your user name and password.
Open the µMPX Setup Menu
Scroll down to the Streams section
In the first stream type the Public IP Address that should act as the primary receiver
Type in the port number that is forwarded through the firewall
Using the Network drop-down select the NET 1 Interface
Click save
Turn the stream on
In the second stream type the Public IP Address that should act as the primary receiver
Type in the same port number used in Step 6 that is forwarded through the firewall
Using the Network drop-down select the NET 2 Interface
Click save
Turn the stream on
When finished, both NET 1 and NET 2 will be sending to the same IP and port address, but over separate networks.
System Testing
In the following testing, you are basically toggling between encoder streams to prove that, so long as one stream is being sent, a signal continues to be received at the Decoder.
In order to conduct system testing, you'll need access to web interfaces of both MPX Encode and Decode Nodes. We recommend switching to an alternate source of audio while testing the system to avoid disruptions to air
Using your web browser, navigate to the main web page of your decoder MPX Node.
Log in with your user name and password.
Open another tab or browser window
Navigate to the main web page of your encoder MPX Node.
Log in with your user name and password.
Open the µMPX Setup Menu
Scroll down to the Streams section
Verify both streams are in the on position
Turn off the first stream
Open the tab or window with the decoder
Verify it still receives a stream
Open the tab or window with the encoder
Turn on the first stream
Wait 5 seconds
Turn off the second stream
Open the tab or window with the decoder
Verify the MPX Node still receives a stream
With testing complete, the system is now ready to go on air.