Server Requirements

Server Hardware

The exact server requirements depend upon the details of your individual installation. Factors such as the total number of stations, the number of audio inputs and outputs, the output types (FM, HD, streaming), and which processing options (including uMPX) have been enabled all factor into choosing the hardware that best meets your needs.

That said, and in an effort to provide a very general starting point for your system planning, we can share the following information.

Note: Omnia Enterprise 9s is intended for bare metal installations. VM installations are not recommended or supported.  


The following requirements assume the use of AES67/SMPTE 2110-30 Profile A stereo I/O, multicast AoIP with 1ms packetization (or Livewire low latency stereo), 48KHz sample rate, one or two outputs per station, and ST2022-7 redundancy enabled.

  • CPUs should be a current Xeon processor or equivalent AMD processor

  • 1 physical CPU core is reserved for the operating system

  • Additional physical CPU cores are reserved for the software as follows:  

    • (Number of stations x 1.5) + (Number of uMPX-enabled stations x 2) = Required number of physical CPU cores

    • Example: 4 stations = 1 core for OS plus 6 cores for processing = 7 cores, so an 8 core processor would be sufficient

    • This configuration will also allow for enabling Undo and Streaming

  • When using uMPX, add 2 additional cores per station

    • Example: 4 stations = 1 core for OS plus 6 cores for processing + 8 cores for uMPX = 15 cores, so a 16 core processor would be sufficient.

Enabling hyper-threading is highly recommended, as doing so provides a significant improvement to overall processing efficiency.


The Omnia Enterprise 9s software itself requires approximately 250MB of RAM per stereo processor. The minimum overall system memory is 16GB to allow for Windows overhead, logging, and buffers.

For high-density installations with more than 8 stations running on a single server, populate all available DIMM slots with smaller DIMM modules rather than using fewer larger DIMM modules.


The software requires 100MB of hard drive space regardless of the number of instances running.

Network Adapters

Intel server-grade 1Gbps network adapters, such as Intel 350, 550, or 700-series adapters (or better), are required for the AoIP network. The specific series depends on the number of audio channels and throughput required.  Dual-port adapters are required for ST2022-7 applications. In high-density installations with a large number of stations and 100+ multicast streams for Rx or Tx, dual 10Gbps adapters are recommended.

Any specific settings recommended in this document are for the referenced Intel NICs.

These guidelines (as well as those in the Network Considerations ) are based on the following factors:

  • AES67 Interop mode/SMPTE-2110-30 Profile A stereo streams requires:

    • 1ms packetization

    • PTP clock

    • SDP files for sources and destinations

  • SMPTE 2022-7 redundancy is supported, bearing in mind multicast addresses for each network must be unique

  • A total of 3 network ports

    • 1 control network

    • 2 networks for 2022-7 redundancy

Operating Systems

As of January 2024, Omnia Enterprise 9s runs on Windows 10, Windows 11, or Windows Server 2019 or later.