
When you first log in to Pathfinder Core PRO, the username and password you use is:
Username: Admin
Password: Admin

However, this can be changed and controlled using the Users link on the navigation bar.

Click edit to change a user’s password or click the plus icon to add users to the system. Use the minus icon to delete users from the system. The system will not allow you to delete all users. At least one user must always exist in the system or there is no way to use it. Therefore, the user interface will show an error message if there is only one user left and you try to delete it.

After creating a new user, that user’s credentials may be used to log into the Pathfinder Core PRO’s web pages or using PathfinderClient, PathfinderMini, or PanelDesigner.

Users may be Administrative users who have access to everything or standard users. It is very important never to delete all of the Administrative users or you may lose access to the system requiring support to get access to the operating system to reset things. If you select a standard user, additional options will appear for defining what rights the user has. The CanLockRoutes defines whether the user has the ability to lock and unlock routes. The Route locks do not apply option is for future use.

User Editing

The arrows next to each section may be expanded to specify the user rights. By default a standard user will see all navigation menu items but will have no rights in the API so most or all of the menu items will not populate with any data.

The menus section allows you to define which navigation bar menu items are available to the user.

The menus listed are the same as in the navigation bar on the web page. By setting items to hidden they will no longer appear in the user’s navigation bar.

The allowed APIs section defines in much more detail what the user may access via the web pages, port 9600 login, and the client applications:

Each item in the displayed list has several options:

  • Inherit means that branch in the tree inherits the rights of the parent branch. In the case of root level objects such as Logic Flows the inherited state is No Access. No Access explicitly denies access to that branch.

  • Display allows the user to display the resource but not change or use it. For example, if you wanted the user to be able to view the route states of a router but not make any route changes, then selecting display for the router access would be a good idea.

  • Change/Use allows the user to do normal operations with the resource but not change the definition of the resource. For example, in the case of routers, selecting change/use would allow the user to make route changes on the router but would not allow them to add sources or destinations to the router.

  • Full access allows the user to have complete control over the resource including the ability to add to or delete the resource. This is the equivalent of Administrative rights to the resource.

It is important to note that by default, branches below a specific branch inherit the parent’s properties. So, if you set the Routers branch to display, all routers will be displayed. You can then set no access on routers you do not want the user to see and/or Change/Use access to routers you want them to be able to use.