Version Changes

Javascript updates

This version includes updates to all Javascript libraries for security and performance issues.  These changes required some recrafting of the code on a number of the web pages.  As a result this should be considered a major change.  Please report any issues you encounter so we may address them promptly.

Clock Updates

This version adds additional features to analog and digital clocks in user panels.  It adds the ability to select the clock source and time zone, as well as a number of styling properties for the analog clock when used in the classic style.  Additionally digital clocks now have a time-format property for adjusting what is displayed.  These changes are described in more detail below.

Clock-Source and Clock-Timezone

The Analog and Digital clocks in user panels now include a clock-source and clock timezone property under the style section:

The clock-source property allows you define whether the clock gets its time from Pathfinder or from the local PC clock.  The time-zone property allows you to select a time zone and display the source time adjusted for the specified time zone.  By default a new clock will have its clock-source set to Pathfinder and its clock-timezone set to source.  Source is a special entry that displays the time as it is presented to the application with no adjustments.

Digital Clock time-format property

Digital clocks now have a time-format property for adjusting the presentation of the current day/time.  Setting the format to default will display hours, minutes, and seconds the way it always has.  The structure for formatting this display differently is based on Unicode date/field symbol options found here:

For example:



yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss eeee

2021-05-03 05:43:22 Monday

eeee MMMM, dd yyyy

Monday May, 03 2021

hh:mm:ss a

05:43:22 PM

Quasar style changes

All of the Quasar-specific style options have been moved to a single section under style/quasar in the property grid.  Previously there were some located under the background section and some under the font/text section.  It made more sense to put them all under a single quasar section under style.

Default / Classic style properties

This version adds a number of properties for styling an analog clock when the clockstyle property is set to classic.  

Warning: Currently these new style properties exist under the style section and then under the default section.  It is likely that the default section will have its title changes to classic in the next version to match the name in the clockstyle property.

These new properties under the default (classic in the future) heading only affect the clock when it's style is set to classic.

Property Name



Adds minute and second markers to the clock


Adds or removes the circular border on the clock


The color of the second hand


The color of the minute hand


The color of the hour hand


The background color of the clock face


The color of the center dot from which the hands extend


The color of the minute and second markers


The color of the numerals in the clock


Whether to include a second inner set of numbers representing the military 13 through 24 hour marks


The color of the additional 13 through 24 numerals if 24-hour-numbers are enabled


The color of the outside and inside edge of the border circle if circle-border is enabled


The color of the center of the border circle if circle-border is enabled

The clock on the left is the default clock.  The clock on the right has the following property changes from default:

  • min-sec-markers: true

  • circle-border: false

  • second-hand-color: #fc0303

  • 24-hour-numbers: true

  • 24-hour-numbers-color: #eb0017

Warning: These changes are very much beta features especially in light of the additional javascript package updates.  Please report any issues you may encounter.