This document covers Telos Alliance line of streaming products with regard to the version and libraries of Lua software. These products include;
Omnia A/XE (discontinued)
Z/IPStream A/XE (discontinued)
Z/IPStream X/2 and 9X/2
Z/IPStream R/1
Z/IPStream R/2 and 9R/2
First, we need to take care of some business. While we can create a custom filter for you, we cannot provide "development" support for custom Lua scripts. Telos Alliance makes no other warranties, express or implied, and with this disclaims all implied warranties, including any warranty of merchantability and fitness warranty for a particular purpose.
In non-legal speak, we are providing this information to you in the hopes that you find it both helpful and educational but we can't help you debug it, or guarantee that it will do what you want it to.
That being said, Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description. You can read more about Lua by visiting
All Telos Alliance streaming products use components (libraries) of Lua for filtering metadata.
When reading about or writing your filters, it's important to note the Lua version we use and what libraries we include. In other words, you can not write Lua filters that have functions from Lua libraries not included with your streaming product.
The Lua version is version 5.1
In addition to the functions we provide (detailed in this document), these additional Lua libraries are included. Please refer to the Lua documentation for information on these libraries.
Please note, there is no mechanism to add additional Lua libraries manually.
Let us know how we can help
If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about how we can improve this document, please contact us.