The 2101 has been designed with network debugging and setting up capabilities. It is possible to connect to the Hub and the Studio I/O through the network by using Telnet (Hub+Studio) and Netmeeting(Hub) sessions.
Thus, it is possible to monitor the customer equipment locally or remotely from Telos office.
Two different ways can be used to monitor the Hub:
- Telnet
- Netmeeting
It exists two different Telnet sessions:
- Windows session: by telneting into the Hub, using the usual Telnet application (port 23), it gives access to the Embedded Windows DOS command prompt. Login and Password: Administrator & Administrator. Not often do you need to access the Hub on this port but it does help to confirm quickly that the NT OS is up and operating.
- 2101 session: to access to this session, launch a telnet session with the port number 123. Example: telnet <Hub IP>:123. Then, type the following login: sesame
As the Studio I/O, the table log option is accessible by typing: “log”
Some usual logs to access for the 2101 telnet session:
- log 0: all errors.
- log 82: NetAccess Board. Inbound Telco messages. Useful to know if incoming/outgoing calls are being performed. It tells also the assigned B-channel for each call (really useful to find out about the channelization order). It also gives the number of digits used by the Telco, essential parameter for the 2101 set up.
- Log 83: NetAccess Board. Outbound 2101 messages. Also helpful to see how the 2101 system is responding to the Telco’s messages.
These logs now also show Red and Yellow alarms related to the PRI. Red alarm means Loss of Signal from the Telco. Yellow alarm means Telco has lost our signal.
Other logs can be accessed. Turning them ON or OFF is done by typing “log #”. Typing just “log” will display a list of available logs. Any log listed with an asterisk in front of it means it is currently enabled. You may want to use a telnet client (such as Hyperterminal or TeraTerm) that has the ability to capture the screen to a text file for later review of the logs.
Note: When done with this telnet session be sure to disable all logs except log 0. Leaving the logging ON for some parameters for extended periods may cause a performance hit during high call volume periods. Speak with the developers if you have additional questions on the various options and limitations of these logs.
XP note: Using the MS Telnet session on an XP workstation to the Hub will display echoed characters when you type anything to the hub. (ie, typing “sesame” will display as “sseemmaammee”. It will not affect your access or ability to start or stop the logs. It’s just annoying that’s all. You can try a different Telnet client like HyperTerminal or TeraTerm instead.
The 2101 Hub is initially set up for Netmeeting Remote Desktop sharing application. By using Netmeeting on any computer having access to the Hub, it is possible to control the Hub desktop. Currently it is the only way to do it for the Hub (remember that there is no display support in the Hub).
To get connected to the Hub using Netmeeting:
- Launch Netmeeting: type “conf” from the RUN option (win2000/XP)
- Select “secure incoming and outgoing calls” (Options menu/Security)
- Call the Hub using its IP address
- Enter the following login and password: Administrator & Administrator
- If it prompts you for a Domain, leave it blank.
- If you see a screen showing the desktop is LOCKED then send a CTRL+ALT+DEL sequence through the Netmeeting menu
- You are on the Hub desktop. Re-enter login and password: Administrator & Administrator
Now you can see the Hub desktop. If the system is running properly you should see 2 applications running, the 2101 Application and the Web Server, either on the desktop or minimized to the task bar below.
NOTE: in the 2101 application window, the messages appearing are the same as the “All errors” log through the Telnet session. Unlike the Studio unit, these messages are more status messages than error messages.
From Netmeeting you can access more information on the Hub such as the Event Viewer. It is sometimes necessary to access this information. By launching this application from the RUN line (program filename is “eventvwr”) you can get logs of the SYSTEM and APPLICATION of the NT OS. Save these files to the flash drive and move them off to your workstation. To move files easily between the Hub and your workstation you can create a folder on the Hub’s desktop called “Shared” and change the properties to allow it to be shared. To access this folder at any time you will have to authenticate the workstation to the Hub before you can see this folder.
Remember there is LIMITED space on the Flash drive. 64 meg is the typically installed size but there are a few 128 meg Flash drives out there.
Running this remote application from a workstation you can gain access to the Hub’s registry to view it should there be a problem. But you need to be authenticated to the Hub in order to access the registry remotely. You can run Regedt32 on the Hub itself in a NetAccess session. To make ANY changes to the registry while connected in the Netmeeting session you MUST disable the “CONFIRM ON DELETE” option before modifying any value or key, especially if you are accessing the Hub from an XP workstation. Once you are done you MUST re-enable the “CONFIRM ON DELETE” option before closing Netmeeting. Be careful what you change in the registry. Change the wrong thing and you just converted a hub to a book end. Only make changes if you know what needs to be corrected, deleted, or added.
Event Viewer
From your workstation you can get additional information on the Hub by remotely connecting to the Hub via the Event Viewer. Again you must be authenticated to the Hub in order to connect. From the RUN line type “eventvwr”. On the left side of the screen right click on the top level of the tree for more options. There should be and optio that allows you to remotely connect to a different computer. Once connected to the remote computer you can save TEXT versions of the System and Application logs from the hub but some valuable info can be lost in this manner. The better way to get complete System and Application logs is to launch Event Viewer directly on the Hub thru a Netmeeting session and save the logs in their native format to a Network Shared folder on the Hub. Then copy off the logs to your workstation and you can open these files using your workstation’s application to get more details on specific events within these logs.
Studio I/O unit
It is possible to have access to the same “remote” application through two different ways:
- Serial port
- Network
This application is organized by sessions. Several different Telnet connections on the same device are possible. Each of them can have different logs available, but they all have access to the same parameters.
Using the Serial port
The serial port has its own session. To use it:
- Use any terminal program (HyperTerminal, TeraTerm, etc.)
- Set up the appropriate Serial Bit rate on the Studio I/O (SYSTEM menu/Serial Bit rate)
- Use a standard serial cable. You will need a RS232 Female/Female adapter on the Studio side.
Using the network
Launch a Telnet session using the Studio I/O IP address.
- telnet <Studio IP addr>
NOTE: once connected, the software version number appears in the header.
Logs frequently used
To access to the log table, enter “log”. Then, type “log” and the log number desired.
NOTE: it is possible to enter several log numbers on the same line, separated by a space.
Example: log 12 43 6 7
To cancel a log, type “log” and its number.
To cancel all the logs at the same time, type:”log –1”
- log 0: all errors. It gives error statements, wrong states that should not be happening.
- Log 21: Hdlc message parser. Allows to see if the DD is sending messages by pressing any key.
Some useful commands
By pressing “?”, the Studio unit gives the list of all the existing commands accessible remotely.
- Ipset: give the main system settings (IP addr/Hostname/FTP site/FTP path/Boot bank…)
- Uptime: tell how long the unit has been running
- Bootstat: give a status of the last reboot. If a bug occurred, it gives some really important information for debugging purposes.
- Mallocinfo: RAM status
- Ftpboot x: change the boot bank. x can be nothing(in that case, it gives the current boot bank), 1 or 2.
- FTPsite x: change the FTP site. X = new FTP site.
- iphost x: change the hostname
- Ipaddr: change the IP
- FTPpath x: change the FTP path
WARNING: if the Studio unit rebooted itself because of a bug, DO NOT manually reboot it afterwards. The bootstat command may hold info on why the unit restarted. Query the bootstat command to get this info. Rebooting the unit a second time will clear the bootstat log and its data is lost!
Note: changing the IP address or rebooting the unit will cancel the telnet session! (Not the serial port session)
PRI/T1 Line
Monitoring the PRI/T1 line with a Protocol Analyzer, such as a T-BERD, can provide more detailed information regarding the activity on the Telco Line than using the NetAccess card’s logging option in the 2101 Hub. Certain problems arising with communications between our system and the Telco or PBX may only be discovered by the use of such equipment.
Not all customers will have this equipment readily available but there are some vendors that do rent this equipment. Service Provider technicians will certainly have these devices on hand during the install and on any major repair to the circuits. With easy access to just about anything on Ebay you can now find all types of PRI/T1 testers available at reasonable pricing. Since more Telco technology is going digital and broadcast facilities are relying on high speed data circuits it is highly recommended that the customer invest into this test equipment for themselves to troubleshoot not only the lines to the 2101 but lines to their business PBX and to their LAN/WAN/Internet service. It would be money well spent.