This document is to help add your Axia devices to Wide Orbit configuration and build your first workflow that allows routable crosspoints from Wide Orbit for Axia Live Wire devices.
This document assumes you have a basic knowledge of Wide Orbit and Axia Live Wire networks.
Adding your Device to WO Config
Log into the Wide Orbit configuration and log into your configuration. On the left menu, choose Devices.
Create a new Port, Device Server will be the Radio Automation Server that the Station is running on. This may be a Primary and Backup Server so the device may need to be added to each server.
Select which RAS will need access to this Axia device. (We will use an XNode for this example)
Enter a Name for the Port
Host Name is the IP of the Axia device XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Port number = 93
Connection Timeout = 5000
Leave Write only default.
Select Add
Choose the Device Tab and Add a new Device.
Give the new Device a Name
For our purposes, we will leave Axia as the Manf
Model for the purposes of this document will be Axia Xnode
Device Server will be the RAS that needs to access this device
Port will be the Device Port we create on the previous "Port" Tab.
For a primary/secondary WO setup, there may need to be two devices. One for each RAS, the names will need to be unique.
Playlist Editor
You are now complete with adding your Axia Device to your Wide Orbit Configuration. The next portion of the steps will take place in Playlist Editor.
Open Playlist editor, Select the station you are working on
Choose the workflow or create a new workflow to work in
Add the action, Update Workflow to your workflow (this will be how we route audio)
Choose the Destination Xnode you would like to make a change to and add a crosspoint.
Your XNode's destination outputs can be changed on the crosspoint. Any Source that has been added to the Wide Orbit Configuration can be routed to the destination of this XNode. The New State turns the destination OFF/ON.
Wide Orbit may need to turn the state of the destination OFF before changing the value of the destination and turning the state ON. So two update switchers may be needed. One for OFF, then right after, one for ON. destination
This workflow can be added to a Hotkey, input into a template or dropped into the stack for use now.
Let us know how we can help
If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document please contact us.