This document clarifies some of the terminology used within Telos products that utilize Livewire, specifically the terms "source" and "destination."
Let us clarify
Source, Destination, Node...huh?
Those who are new to using Telos products will immediately notice the terms "source," "destination," and "node" being used throughout documentation that shows users how to configure our devices. If you're used to configuring traditional audio equipment, these terms are likely a little confusing to you.
So what do these terms refer to? Simply put, "output," "input," and "end device" respectively.
Why don't you just call them inputs and outputs?
Good question!
At first, it would seem like a no-brainer to use the typical terms that everyone else does in normal audio ecosystems. However, our products are a little more custom-built for radio, so there are a few good reasons why we don't.
In a basic audio ecosystem (studio, P.A.), there are:
Inputs (microphones, instruments, audio players, etc.), and
Outputs (audio recorders, speakers, monitors, etc.).
It's very basic, and rightfully so. If we were to suddenly change the terminology in this system from "output" and "input" to "source" and "destination," there would be a great deal of confusion. The current terms "input" and "output" satisfy the needs of this system.
Now let's talk about a radio ecosystem: there are:
Inputs (microphones, audio players, phones, ISDNs, ZIPONEs, etc.),
Traditional outputs (on-air program feed, headphone feeds to host/guest), and
Specialty outputs (mix-minus to phones/ISDN/ZIP, program plus talkback).
Add some additional capabilities of Livewire, and you can also associate logic with those inputs and outputs (GPIO for lights, speaker muting, etc.)
What should we call the mix-minus outputs that feed to the phone inputs, or perhaps a special program feed with talkback that goes to the host? Obvious answer: mix-minus to phone, program feed plus talkback to host.
In a smaller environment, that terminology may work just fine. However, within the Axia ecosystem, it is possible to have hundreds or even thousands of inputs and outputs on the same network. These inputs are dynamic as well, meaning they can be routed to a multitude of outputs with the click of a button. This creates a scenario where the normal "input/output" terminology can quickly become confusing and not very efficient to describe the complex routing taking place behind the scenes.
Enter "Source" and "Destination"
This is a "Callout" that can be put into places to make known important information
Chart of Terms
For those just diving into the Livewire system (or those who may need a quick reminder), below is a chart that lists each term, its "traditional input output" counterpart, and its function within the Axia ecosystem:
Source | Direct audio output | Audio output of a device, available for any other device to receive, and advertised on the Livewire network |
Destination | Direct audio input | Audio input of a device. Only able to receive one input per channel |
To: Source | Backfeed audio output | Sending a mix-minus back to a phone hybrid |
From: Source | ||
Node |
List steps if needed
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If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document, please contact us.