Adding Virtual Faders to Fusion or Element


You can add virtual faders to most Axia consoles. This document covers the process of adding virtual faders to Fusion consoles or to Element consoles with a Powerstation, where the software version is 3.0 or higher.


Customers often ask about adding virtual faders to consoles. They can be used for many things.

  • Mixing in a constant source where the user needs no control, or control is undesirable.

  • Adding an Operator microphone for use as a TalkBack source where the operator never goes on air but does talk to codecs, intercom, etc.

  • Expanding the I/O of the console for use in "Virtual" applications where software like Pathfinder or IP-Tablet is used to control them.

Adding Virtual Faders

  1. Using your web browser, log in to the web page of your console. For this example, we will use a PowerStation.

  2. From the menu down the left side, click on Customize. Enter your user name and password when prompted

  3. Scroll down the page and under the Fader Options heading, set the Virtual Fader count.

  4. Click the Apply button directly below the Virtual Fader count.

You do not need to reboot. Virtual Faders are applied automatically.

Using your Virtual Faders

Your Virtual Faders are now ready for use.

Virtual Faders are programmed just like any other fader by assigning Sources to them from the Show profile or controlling them by Pathfinder, IP-Tablet, or other virtual control software.

A "Virtual" fader will not remember its On/Off state when a show profile is changed or reloaded. It will always turn back to OFF. Unless Safe On or Force ON is used for that channel

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