It's always a good idea to backup your stuff. Here's an easy way to save your VX's configuration to a PC so it can be recalled in the future.
Backup your Settings:
Connect to your VX's web interface using a browser
Navigate to the System -> Backup/Restore page
Under the Backup section of the Configuration Management web page, click Backup Settings
This will tell your browser to begin downloading a *.XML file containing your VX's configuration. Check your firewall or browser download settings if not successful.

Note: Installed licenses are not included in the configuration backup! This does not apply to the 2RU fanless VX systems. If you have a VX Enterprise system with licensing, you'll also need to backup your licenses.
Restore a VX Configuration:
Connect to your VX's web interface using a browser
Navigate to the System -> Backup/Restore page
Under the Restore section of the Configuration Management web page, click the Browse button.
Locate and select the appropriate backup *.XML file in your PC's file system and click Open. The name of the file you've selected will now appear next to the Browse button.
After confirming that the file name shown is correct, click the Restore Settings button.

If you have already given the VX all of its final IP address information, check the Keep current network settings checkbox. If you would like the VX to use the network configuration from the backup, uncheck this box. You may lose connection to the VX if the computer you are using for configuration is on a different subnet than the VX post restore.