The majority of users will be able to achieve their sonic goals by choosing the right preset and then using the Basic Level processing controls to make adjustments. Taking this approach is not only more successful sonically in most cases but also quicker and safer.
However, there are times when having access to individual controls can be helpful, particularly if you have a strong understanding of processing overall and experience with Omnia.9 processing in particular.
To access the Intermediate and Expert levels, choose the appropriate processing core, click on the "About Preset" button, then use the dropdown menu to choose "Intermediate" or "Expert."

Figure 1 -About preset menu
Note: The leap from Basic to Intermediate is significant in terms of complexity. The information that follows is intended to serve as an overview of available menus and controls. It does not delve into each in great detail, as we presume if you have made the decision to venture beyond the Basic Level, you already have the fundamental knowledge needed to use these tools.