Intermediate Level

The Intermediate Level menus can be broadly broken down into two groups: Preset Management (A), with controls that work here exactly as they do in the Basic Level as described in the Working with Presets , and Processing Controls (B).

Intermediate Level menu

Processing Controls

Processing controls include the following s:

  • Phase Processing: Including the phase scrambler, phase rotator, and BassEFX.

  • Downward Expanders: Useful for managing background noise from less-than-perfect recordings or noisy studio environments.

  • Input AGC: A slow-acting leveler to help smooth out variations in input levels and provide a more consistent output level to downstream processing stages.

  • Wideband AGC 1: An additional (and typically faster-acting) AGC to help with sudden input gain increases until the slower-acting Input AGC catches up.

  • Solar Plexus: A sub-harmonic bass enhancement that dynamically adds a natural-sounding low end to bass-shy material.

  • Parametric Equalizer: Up to six bands of phase-linear EQ, plus an assortment of pre-configured filters, including low pass, high pass, band pass, notch, low shelf, and high shelf.

  • Stereo Enhancer: A dynamic, target-driven, multiband stereo enhancer.

  • Multiband Setup: Sets the number of bands (user-selectable from 2 to 7) as well as the multiband Gate and Freeze thresholds.

  • Multiband AGC: Provides all of the controls related to the behavior and overall spectral balance of the multiband AGCs.

  • Multiband Compression: Provides additional compression on top of each band of the Multiband AGCs.

  • Multiband Thresholds: Sets the target level for each Multiband AGC band as well as each band of the Multiband Limiters.

  • Dry Voice Detection: Detects the presence of dry voice (voice with no music or effects underneath it) and adjusts the Multiband AGCs and Multiband Limiters accordingly to minimize audible distortion.

  • Wideband AGC 2: An additional AGC that can be placed before or after the Multiband AGCs and used either in wideband mode or as a bass compressor.

  • Wideband AGC 3: An additional AGC that is nearly identical to Wideband AGC 2 but which cannot be situated before the Multiband AGCs.

  • Band Mix: Used to fine-tune the output level and spectral balance of each band prior to the final clippers.

  • Final: Contains the bass clipper controls as well as the final FM settings, including pre-emphasis and low-pass frequency.

  • MPX Clipper: Provides distortion management and textural tools when using the MPX clipper.

  • Bypass: Provides a means to completely bypass all processing.