This article applies to the Fusion and Element console systems using the Studio Engine or Powerstation platforms running version 3 or higher.
Sometimes we need on-air contribution from a console in another control room. The easiest way to do that is to create a source profile in the air console for the remote console's program bus. Then load that profile to a fader on the air console. But what if we want to use that channel's Talkback button to communicate with the remote studio? This is where some custom configuration is needed.
If you have Pathfinder Core Pro, you can try the procedure here.
If not, it'll require an available VMix and will use up one of the External Monitor inputs on the remote console. Here, we'll be explaining how to create a backfeed for the fader on the air console that can be loaded onto the remote console as a monitor source.
Create a Source Profile on Air Console:
Create a source profile on the air console that will receive the main program buss from the remote console.

Notice: In our example, the remote console's program 1 buss is on channel 10101
Next, set Feed to Source to Custom.
You'll see a box full of options show up to customize the backfeed:

You can select Program 1 under the parameters you want for the local channel, or you can enter your main pre-delay air feed or main air program buss channel number into the External Feed Src field and select External for each of the conditions for the fader channel instead of Program 1. It really depends upon what you want the remote console to monitor.
Make sure to check the check boxes under each to enable talk insertion and Dim Gain.
Apply changes.
Create a VMix
to convert the backfeed we just configured to a regular source the remote console can use for monitor.
Go to the V-Mixer page in your engine and choose an available channel
Set the Input Selector to EXTERNAL
Enter the channel number for the source we just created (10101) into the Channel Field
Set In Stream Type to To Source (that's 10101's backfeed)
Set Enable to On
Give the output source a sensible name using the Out Name field
Enter an available Livewire channel number in the Channel field
Finally, set the Out Stream Type to Live Stereo
Apply your changes to the V-Mixer. (make sure you click the correct Apply button)
Create a Source Profile on the Remote Console
On the remote console, create a Line source profile using the new Livewire channel we just created in the VMixer:
Be sure that this new source is available for CR Monitor:
It might even be wise to disable all but CR Monitor so that it can't be pulled up on a fader.
Apply changes
Set the New Source as an External Monitor Input
Go to the remote console's Shows page and select the appropriate show profile
Go to the Show's Monitor Section
Under Sources for External 1 & 2, select the new source profile under one of the EXTERNAL Inputs:
Save changes
Load the show on the remote console.
Now that this is set up, the remote console will need to be monitoring EXT 2 in order to receive talkback from the air console.
Let us know how we can help
If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about how we can improve this document, please contact us.