The controls in the Gain Riding menu (1A) simultaneously adjust multiple individual parameters related to the various Input and Wideband AGCs.
Figure 1 - Gain riding menux
The Range control (1B) determines the amount of available gain in the Input AGC. It is typically adjusted to have both enough "room" to increase low-level input audio and reduce high-level input audio by 10-15dB on average as indicated on the Input AGC meter.
The Power control (1C) adjusts the compression ratio of both the Input AGC and Wideband AGC 1 sections. Higher settings increase the ratio and provide more consistency, while lower settings yield a more open sound at the expense of precise control.
The Speed control (1D) simultaneously adjusts both the attack and release rates of the Input AGC and Wideband AGC 1 sections. While the actual attack and release speeds are program-dependent, higher settings translate to faster speeds.
Note: Traditional processors drive their AGCs and compressors into gain reduction once the audio crosses a specific threshold. When the audio falls below that threshold, they effectively run out of room and can no longer increase the gain, an approach that requires a makeup gain control later in the signal path. The AGCs in Omnia Enterprise 9s operate both above and below a threshold (referred to as the "Target") over a much wider range, eliminating the need to add makeup gain downstream. You can observe this by looking at the scale to the left of the Input AGC meter when adjusting the Range and Power controls.