How To Configure a “Program Without Delay” Output on Omnia.9


Here we explain how to set up and Omnia.9 output for a “Program Without Delay” output that is pre-Undo and post Failover of the Primary and Secondary Inputs.


Using the Monitor Outputs, you can configure a "program" output that is pre-Undo but post Failover of the Primary and Secondary Inputs.


  1. In System / System Configuration / Processing Paths, make sure that either “MPX Input” or “Pre-emph Input” is enabled. Be sure to click "Apply Config" and reboot if you changed anything.

  2. Now, in Monitor Outputs / <Headphone, Speaker or Aux Output> / Patch Point, in the FM / “Miscellaneous” section you will see a patch point named “Program Passthrough”. Select that.

  3. It is normally delayed by 1 second, but this delay can be changed: You can find the control in FM / Meter Options / Test Options. Set "Program Pass-through Delay:" to 0ms.

  4. Finally, in System / I/O Options / Main Outputs, select the physical output you want to use for this and set it to Headphone Out, Speaker Out or Aux Out.

If you’re wondering why the control is in such a strange place, it’s because the original purpose was to use the Omnia.9 monitoring features to do an accurate A/B comparison with another FM processor. By assigning Program Pass-through to an output, and feeding that to the input of another processor, and then feeding that processor's MPX output back into the Omnia.9’s MPX input, you could put MPX Out and MPX In oscilloscopes side by side, adjust “Program Pass-through Delay” for a perfect match, and then simply switch Omnia.9’s Speaker Output between MPX Out and MPX In for a perfect, accurate comparison. Then, you could also change MPX1 Output Mode to MPX Input 1, to put the other processor on the air with no delay or modulation difference, for an A/B comparison on the air.

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